options missing from standard XL350 (XL2 IQ Routes)

Mar 23, 2010
Edinburgh, UK
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom XL IQ2 (XL350)
- Itinerary Planning
- POIs on the 3d Map Display
- POI spoken warnings
- AtoB Planning
- All View Route Options (turn-by-turn text, pics, demo, etc)
- Avoid Route Options
- The ability to set all preferences as before
- The ability to always avoid Toll Roads
- Planning Preferences (Ask every time for shortest, fastest, avoid freeways, walking, etc)
- Ability to turn on/off IQ Routes
- Compass
- ability to enter GPS co-ordinates

Please help me add anything else to the list.
What version of Navcore have you got installed, if its the latest you should get at least some of the POI options available such as "Warn When Near POI" and the device will support spoken POI alerts for third party POI files.

When first launched these devices had a very simplified menu, for some reason TomTom did an about turn and offered an update that added back in some of the missing functionality, whether this was down to lost sales or some other decision isn't known.

Connect your unit to the PC and use the TomTom Home software to update the device - Mike
You are right but many of those option still arent available. I'd have to check to be sure, I do know you cant enter GPS co-ordinates (really annoying for me), you cant get the compass either.
You are right but many of those option still arent available. I'd have to check to be sure, I do know you cant enter GPS co-ordinates (really annoying for me), you cant get the compass either.
Due to own particular use model, any unit that won't allow navigation to a specific set of coordinates gets a pass.

Given the total commonality of hardware between many of the Ease/Start and other models, it would seem that TomTom chose to modify the feature set from the control panel only in an attempt to create a number of additional models that they could sell at a different price. I can't believe they thought that the previous user interface was too complicated for the market. You can develop a simple UI and still bury the good stuff deeper in the options if need be, or do like they did with some models and offer a switch for simple/full function interface.

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