ONEXL: Navcore 7 available?

Aug 30, 2006
Downey, California
TomTom Model(s)
GO 910, ONE V2, GO 920 GO 730 & iPad TT App
A member from YourNav claims that Navcore 7 is available for ONEXL users via TomTom HOME.

Can XL owners check this to see if it works?

They also claim that Mapshare also works!

If this is true, this would be one step for the Navcore firmwire to be available for non X20 units. :D
Woohoo, I connected my TT1 and I didn't get the NavCore 7 firmware update yet. It might be just for the XL :(

The good thing is that they mention mapshare works which is great news :)
Yes it is. I would like to use this feature.
Im not sure if all features are enabled with this firmwire. They did mention that changing the car symbol didn't work.
I have been experimenting with navcore 7 and I cannot change my car icon far that rumor is confirmed.
I have only had it for about 2 days, so I am still playing with it. But I think I have explored everything. So unless I post back here saying I am mistaken, boo tomtom on that one!
From what I can tell it is similar except for the buttons aren't as beautiful and "maclike."

Here are some screen shots.






let me know if that works or what else you want to see. Phone for help froze my unit....I don't have bluetooth setup so that may be why.
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Is this automatically updated when you connect to TT Home? If so has it been confirmed if 3rd party apps will run on it? I thought there were concerns about not having an SDK??
OK, I update can update, also, the maps from 675 vers. to v.7?
I need to buy new maps?
Is this automatically updated when you connect to TT Home? If so has it been confirmed if 3rd party apps will run on it? I thought there were concerns about not having an SDK??

I have read 3rd party apps will run on NavCore 7. We know for sure that MobilNova runs well and even Tripmaster. It turns out that you need to edit the config.txt file and change the screen adaptation from none to rider2 even if you don't have a rider2.

A yournav forum member mentions it works on the XL.
No idea on the updating maps issue. I have the 6.75uscan version right now....hence there being no mapshare on my tomtom. Hopefully we will have access to this feature.

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