No Feature Matrix?

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Jan 7, 2012
Is there some place where I can find out what the difference is between the GO, GO LIVE, VIA and XXL categories of car navigation GPS? Garmin makes it so easy to distinguish between their products.
Thanks very much for your spreadsheet. Clearly, this represents enormous effort on your part for which much appreciation is due. :thumb:

Your spreadsheet enabled me to eliminate many models that I would not be interested in, for one reason or another. But even after doing this, there remained many models which seem to be essentially identical, with no easy way to distinguish among them. To give one example, all these models are included in the same column of your spreadsheet:

VIA 1400/1405 (includes T, M, & TM),
VIA 1500/1505 (includes T, M, & TM),
VIA 1435 (includes T, M, & TM),
VIA 1530/1535 (includes T, M, & TM)

meaning they have identical features with the sole difference being that some have a 4.3" screen while others have 5.0". That's seven models (ignoring T, M and TM variants) that appear to differ only on screen size.

Consumers should not have to work this hard.

I'm sure that TomTom makes an excellent GPS, but if someone has to go to so much trouble to distinguish their models, to the extent that we have to rely on your spreadsheet for assistance because TomTom provides no easy way to distinguish its models, and even then we are left with many unanswered questions, then I for one am not interested in perusing the matter any further. Why should I, when the competition makes it so much easier?

Once again, my sincere appreciation for your enormous efforts. :hail:
That's ok. I'll lock this thread since your mind is made up.
Even the "competition"doesn't give you anywhere near the kind of detail we gave you in that spreadsheet to help you make a decision. I'm - ahem - a Garmin customer, too.

If you make product purchase decisions based upon how well a company puts together the websheet collateral ... well, good luck with that approach.
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