New Mount

Sep 5, 2006
TomTom Model(s)
930T and XXL
My new windshield mount arrived today. The physical difference is nill that I can see but the difference in operation is. It takes a great deal of force to move the ring to the locked position. It appears to offer a great deal more resistance and the tomtom does seem firmly in position. I have noticed that my ipod seems to have static and that the dc power light is off as much as it is on. I have not had time to examine the connections but I am hoping just a little dust or oil on the new mount.
Called tt today and they told me I should receive mine next week. Since I got my email confirmation in Sept, I had to wait 4 weeks :( . X10 owners in Europe are receiving their replacements in 1 week! :eek: We have to wait 4 times longer.
Just got my replacement in. It's difficult to place the unit on the mount. I feel like its going to crack or break. The same goes with the lock position. Its really hard to get to that 2nd lock. My hand hurt trying and trying. lol
Recieved new mount

I recieved my new mount this evening. I concur with what everyone has been saying but I havent actually tested it yet, I will tomorrow morning. Once I have it in the second locked position it seems like that bad boy isnt going anywhere. Also, I am in the states and it only took a week and a half to get to me!
After only one day of testing :D I notice no droop, difficult to lock/unlock, difficult to load and unload, and it vibrates a little. I still vibrates like my old mount.
But - watch out for round two...

My mount was a newer one (was difficult to lock). Was locking it and it broke - the locking mechanism pulled hard enough on the shaft attached to the cup that it broke it. there is a steel pin connecting it together, and it fractured the shaft in the middle of the holes it was attached through.

I was hoping they would have come out with the promised alternative mounting kit for the 10's by now, but - promises - promises....
I have been using my new mount and tomtom for a week now. Like everyone else it was very difficult to attach but I was able to get it to finally lock into place. It was very difficult but after a week so far there is no drooping. I doubt I will move it often. Because it is so hard to lock I have been unable to adjust the tilt etc to the best angle for use. It does vibrate and the ipod connection is terrible with all the static. The power light finally stays on most all the time now. Not sure if the mount is the problem but something keeps locking up my ipod but only when connected to the tomtom.
That stated. this thing makes travel so easy for me. I have never been lost and always knew exactly how far | was to my destination etc. I have found only a couple of map problems and those deal with newer subdivisions and new construction. The unit itself works so well it is a marketing tragedy that the defective mount and the lack of promised accessories have led to so much negative feedback.
Here's a tip for the 2nd lock. Use both hands (index & middle finger) and place each finger in the grooves and lock it this way.

I also found an easier way to attach/detach the GO X10 from the mount. Hold the unit with your left hand and the mount with your right (Works best, because I'm right handed).
Left Hand: Thumb on release button while holding unit

Right hand: hold the mount like you would a spear with the , lol. Four finders on the new "lip" side. The index finger closest to the lip and pinky closest to the suction and the thumb on the bottom near the "tomtom" logo.

I hope that made sense. Anyway I can post pictures if anyone is interested.
After about a week of troubleshooting I have come to the conclusion that my new mount seems to cause my TT not to switch to night view automatically when it is dark when that preference is activated. The trouble goes away if I go back to the old mount.

Is anyone else having the same problem? Perhaps my particular unit or mount needs adjustment.
No, I experienced this with my original mount. When the unit was on my old mount, I moved the unit around and I saw it change.
I would contact tomtom and let them know about this issue. They might send you another replacement mount.
I was ready to ask the same question. I had the same problem but when I removed the tomtom from the mount and returned it later the night feature worked. Still having the ipod static and have about decided to just swallow the cost of the ipod cord, thirty bucks plus shipping I think.
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I just got an Ipod control cable from amazon for 16.88 plus shipping. I to have the static issue even without using the ipod and just playing the TT910 thru the car stereo using a tape adapater. I am wondering if this is an issue with the new mount, I still have to test using the old one.
That it did but this is different. The hum was a low frequency hum that was continuous. I had it on my ipod as well as the tomtom when plugged into my camry. I am an amateur radio operator and it showed up in my handheld when I used the radio for sound. The noise I think we are both talking about is a crackling or static that is only ocassionally. Think of old am radio and electric static. Best analogy I can think of right now. I have tried to determine if the noise is caused by the bouncing of the mount, ie that on off problem that firmware dealt with, or if it is a lateral misalignment that allows audio to leak from one pin to another.
Hmm, I haved tried to use my ipod with the new mount. I'll try it out and report if I see any similarities.

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