New models compared to the 140S...

Jul 4, 2013
Thank you for allowing me to post here!

I have been using my sister's TT 140S (it's marked XL One, so I may have the incorrect number- it's the same color front and back, not the silver-framed model which pictures often show as a TT One) and have LOVED it. It does everything I need it to do and does it extraordinarily well. It has never failed to surprise me with its IQ routes and smooth function.

So I have decided to purchase a new GPS. My friend says to try Garmin, but I know nothing about them other than their online rep from fanboys. His also shows my house as being on a street 1/2 mile south of where it actually is! But I have also read that things have changed at TT since the Microsoft problems. Reviews on Amazon and PCMag often give the new units a poor rating as to their detachable mounts, updating, PC software manager, et al. So here is my question:

If the 140S/XL serves me so incredibly well, which of the newer models would be closest to this model in terms of simplicity of function, menu options and reliability? I'll probably purchase it from Amazon, if that helps. I do not need Bluetooth or MP3 player. I just would like it to work as well as my sister's 140S/XL and have lifetime maps (traffic is optional).

Thank you for any help which you can offer! Kyuzo.
Be aware that none of the new devices (referred to as Nav 3) will offer the functionality of many Nav 2 devices.

For starters, you need MyTomTom (get it at and not Home 2 which you are used to.

The user does not have access to the file system on Nav 3 devices, meaning you can't look at the contents using Explorer or Finder if using a Mac.

And you WILL need to create a new identity for the Nav 3 device with a different email address used than the one you use when logging into Home with your model.

That said, you may wish to spend some time searching the current models using this link:

If you have questions about anything you see there, of course report back and somebody here will be happy to assist.
Thank you very much for your quick reply! :)
You have touched exactly upon some of the issues about which I was concerned. So MyTomTom has replaced Home and Nav3 replaces Nav2.

Apparently the Start 5- series appears very similar to my sister's unit. I will have a look and see.

One quick question: I see on Amazon older units like the XXL540 and similar for sale new. Are they still supported by TomTom? In other words, if one buys such a model, are the map codes still accepted by TT?

Thanks again! You've helped me much. Regards, Kyuzo.
get the xxl540tm. Bigger than the 140, but otherwise nearly identical features.
My thanks, mvl! I was looking at that model because it seemed so similar- and now you have graciously confirmed my suspicions. I was worried that with the business of TT changing to Linux, there might be problems updating the device. I would guess that -purchasing it new from Amazon- the map codes would still be accepted by TT.

I am now leaning VERY much toward that unit.

Thanks so much! Regards, Kyuzo.
Sorry! What I meant was that- when I was looking at the 540- since it was a discontinued product, I was concerned that the numbers included with the unit that you enter to get the free updates and traffic might no longer be accepted. On some of the review sites, reviewers mentioned difficulty in getting the 540 update numbers to be accepted by TT.

I did not want to purchase a 540 only to find out that it was not supported, and then have to send it back.

Thanks again for the help. I'm mulling over the 540 as I type! :thumb:
The traffic doesnt need any codes. It only provides highway and limited sidestreet coverage, unlike the more expensive HD traffic that covers every road.

The map needs a code from the box, should work fine, but if it wont work just call phone support and they'll activate it manually.
I thank you for your kind consideration!

I notice that you have an XXL540. May I ask, what do you think of the future of updates for your device? In other words, would one be better to get a Nav3 device from the onset or take the chance that the Nav2 devices will continue to be supported.

While it may be a silly question, I base my question on Window's history.

Thanks again, Kyuzo.
The code on the Nav2 devices is still being improved from time to time, and TomTom still supports map updates for even their really 'antique' models. The 540 really doesn't need much more in the way of updates than it's getting now as the code is really quite solid. Just be SURE you get a new TM version of the XXL540 to get the lifetime map updates for free.

Thank you all for your info. I've had quite a crush on the XXL540. My sister's TomTom XL has really been a lifesaver on a couple of occasions. It's made such an impact on me that I really hate to switch to a different system.

I'd dare say Amazon has sold itself an XXL! :D

Thanks for all your help. Yet another reason I prefer TomTom!

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