New maps version and iso install?

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Feb 10, 2007
Pleasanton, CA
TomTom Model(s)
Hey, all,

Planning for a trip down south and can't wait for the new map DVDs to arrive, so I thought I see if they were available for download through "darker" services.

I found North America v665.1293 as an .iso file.

1) Is this the version that comes on the DVD?

2) Am I going to have to do something special with this .iso file, or will HOME install it for me?

I know I'm doing this through less-than-legal-and-useful means, but I want to be prepared for this trip...

If those-more-expert-than-me suggest that I just keep to the older maps (currently using USA_and_Canada v660.1215), that's fine... I'm just impatient I guess...

Thanks for the help!
Each map DVD comes with a product activation code card. Without this card, I'm not sure how far you'll get, not to mention the legalities.

That being said, HOME is the application used to install new maps.
Questions regarding hacking licensed software are not permited on this board. I'm sure you'll find that on any other GPS forum you go to. Hacking threads get shut down my Moderators soon after they are posted.
One more thing I'd like to add. I know people think they can find a hack site for getting codes generated... just remember this folks. Every time you use HOME, it logs you in to your TomTom account. I surely wouldn't want TomTom to find out that way that I have a hacked version of their software....
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