Need help with TomtomXL

Sep 11, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom XL
On a long 1000km journey by car my TomTom XL N14644 let me down.

It lights up and announces my home address and will not respond further. It is fully charged and waiting hopefully for someone to tell me what to do next.

My model appears to have no reset button.

I would very much appreciate the wisdom of a technical expert who can tell me whether I can restore the European map. Sadly my computer which had my backup was formatted a month ago so I have no reserves on hand. How do I format a Tomtom that refuses to budge from showing my home address!

Thanks in advance
Try resetting the unit by holding the power button about 15 seconds till you get the drum sounds.
You can download the manual from

As there are several different models described as "XL" (N14644 isn't a model number) make sure you enter your exact model name in the drop-down list to ensure you get the right one.

If you can't remember it, put the first two characters of your serial number (the one on the barcode sticker) into the box on TomTom's "Model finder" tool, here
Thank you for your response, I found the Serial number but only just in time as it is gradually disappearing from sight due to my constantly handling the device.

I'm in the process of formatting the TomTom, it's taking a helluva long time. I wonder if that is normal?
I'm using Windows7.
Oh dear.... Why are you formatting it? Did you see that suggested somewhere?

Usually we suggest several things to try before mentioning anything about doing a format, one of which is ENSURING you've made a full backup first.
Did you do so?

If you didn't, I'm afraid it's very possible that you'll have lost your maps and those are irreplaceable. You'd need to buy a new one.

Let us know the situation.

UGH! I thought if I formatted the device I could download all again, which is how it should it should be if one purchases an expensive apparatus such as a TomTom. These things things go wrong in life so the fixes are as important as is the selling of them.

Anyway, I shall keep on trying to get my maps and the TomTom in working order again. I did not break it, it packed up of its own accord when I needed it the most.

I have no backup because my laptop quit on me last month too.
We can help you get everything back onto the machine and running correctly, except those maps. They are individually "keyed" to your particular device, so there's no way we can give you a copy. That's why backups are so vital and need remaking if you ever lose the original ones you made.

Once you have the TomTom formatted (you used FAT32, I hope?) then connect it to "Home" on the PC and see what is offered to you.
I suspect the Navcore software will be installed straight away and once that's done you can use "update" and "Manage my device" to add more stuff it offers.
Thanks for your input Andy. The question now arises that if I can't get the maps back then what is the point of reinstallation of all the other stuff. This looks like built in obsolescence to me. And - yes- I did use FAT32.
A single new map will always be cheaper than a whole new device. (You might even be able to opt for a smaller map than you originally had, if that covers your needs).

The things to ponder over is if you wanted to have lifetime map updates (which is available with some new models), or if you actually prefer the old models to the new ones (certain functions such as itinerary planning and full rang ePOI search are not available on any new model.

It's not really built-in obsolescence....
IIRC, there is always a big warning at the front of the user manual telling you that it's essential to make a backup straight away when you open the box.

And there are certainly plenty of warnings on this forum about it. Unfortunately, a lot of people only come here AFTER they have had a problem.
Well....I have installed the software which is telling me there is no map or maps. Now I need the map. But when I go to "Purchase map", I get zilch as a response. What happens next?
Should I throw the thing in the bin and buy a Garmin? hhehehehheeh!

I happen to be in love with TomTom but it appears not to love me.
Sorry if this seems a daft question, but where are you looking when you see "purchase map"?

There are two places to try...
1. In TT Home, it will either pop up a window, or you can go to "Update..."
2. On the TT website (I think is the right site for Switzerland).
I was looking at the stuff I have just downloaded onto the computer from TomTom Home. I found a map of Europe that would be suitable but it cost 49.99 pounds. I wanted to get one free if possible. As this may not be possible, I am thinking of buying a new device. My mistake was to format the present device instead of trying to resuscitate it via your instructions. The damage is done and it appears there is no going back to the perfectly good and easy to use system I had before. Such a pity but I neglected to backup since my computer crashed a month ago and now I have to pay the price. Anyway - thanks for your concern and effort to help me.
Had you ever updated the map on your device? If so, you may still be able to reload it.
No, I was quite happy with the old one even although I knew there were significant changes since I bought the Tomtom. I mostly used it for getting around locally where there are seldom big enough changes to make a difference. This doesn't mean to say that NOW I wouldn't like to have something a little more up to date! But losers who format when they shouldn't can't be choosers.
How about a smaller map?
I haven't tried my schoolboy French on the Swiss site yet, but in the UK I can get a map of the UK and Irelend only.

I can also see one here for Germany, Austria and Switzerland for £39.95 would that be a better bet?

(EDIT: same map is59.95 CHF on the Swiss site.)

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