Navcore7 on all devices?

Oct 15, 2007
Hello all. I'd like to know, according to your knowledges, if I can expect TomTom Navcore7 for my TomTom Toyota (AVN2227p, basically an Eclipse) or if I have to find some other way to make it work...

Thanks :)
It'll eventually be on all devices all the way back to the Classic edition. We just don't know when.
I'm not sure wether all units will be compatible with Navcore 7. I have both ver 6.5 and 7 on my computer, and when I have Home open and roll my mouse accross the two system files, it says that Navcore 7 is not compatible with my TomTom device. I have a TomTom One Ver. 2.
Well... Indeed I managed to install Navcore 7 on my Eclipse, but then my system is recognized as a TomTom DUO, so without the stereo-part of the Eclipse, so i switched back to 6.5. But Navcore 7 ran well... So I think that it shouldn't be so difficult to make an Eclipse Navcore 7, I'm only afraid of business politics...

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