Navcore 6 on an SD card

Jan 6, 2008
I just got a TT1 v2 with internal memory and an SD slot. The internal came with navcore 7. I'd like to have an SD card with Navcore 6 and the offroard 3rd party app so my One can have dual personalities.
Anyone know how I can do this? Thanks.
It's done very easily provided the version 7 maps work with navcore 6. they should work, but you will have no mapshare.

simply install navcore 6 on the new card and copy the map folders to the card. the unit will then boot from the card when it is in the slot, and removing the card and rebooting the unit puts you back where you originated with the internal memory and maps.

don't delete anything from the internal memory though.
No, It came with 7.10 maps.
I got v6 installed and you're right it does not like the maps.
I installed offroad nav and it seems I do a map to get tomtom to get started right. It boots and asks for a map.
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