My Drive...

I'm lost. You got the GO for less than you would have paid for the Via. At some point, it will revert to acting just like a Via if you don't sustain the subscription. Seems to me you're money ahead if you do nothing, or features ahead if you do.

I haven't tried the Twitter feature. I understand that you can have it automatically track and report your progress for any journey. Even more fun than having a GPS tracking device installed on your car by the FBI!
That's not correct re Amazon, but I'm going to leave it as it's water under the bridge. :)

I honestly can't believe that my Speed Cameras are STILL outdated, my Gas Prices STILL do not function, I had update trouble, intermittent HD Traffic, and yet the freaking Twitter function works! Honestly, it's enough to make me TWEET my frustrations with TomTom. That is, if I Tweeted!

I do wonder how that works? Does the Tweet say "Ness and Rico are outside Al Capone's Speakeasy", or does it just say "121 Gangster Boulevard" and then "513 Morgue Avenue" as they drive? :p
Yes, it is correct on Amazon. There's presently a $166 to $144 differential ($22) in the 'right' direction, as it should normally be, though the difference in MSRP on these units is a bit higher at $30. Any time a site is selling the Via for more than the GO, it's a pricing anomaly either caused by supply issues or perhaps due to the fact that one is refurb and the other is not.

I assume you've been after tech support about the gas prices? I find that they're usually no more than about 24 hours old in the Denver area, so usually close enough to reality that I can depend on prices in a relative sense. It's usually no more than a penny or three one way or the other of actual. With gas prices varying as wildly as they do around here, it's nice to know if one of the bargains happens to be along my current route!
Though the thread's unfortunately derailed a bit, at the time of the purchase of my unit new GO Live units were selling for $105 and the Via for $150. I did not intend to resurrect that particular unpleasantness regarding my acquisition of the GO- it was my fault to do so.

For whatever reason, refurbished or not, my GO unit- until very recently- has shown very spotty performance. Perhaps it is a refurbished unit, though Amazon had marked it as new (you can print whatever you want on a paper label). At any rate, I do not intend to purchase my next GPS -a Garmin- from Amazon...

I contacted CS three times concerning my outdated Speed Cameras, non-functioning Gas Prices and problems with the GO locking up or shutting down. To my requests I got the standard boilerplate responses that they were known software issues and that the Second Team was vigilantly working on it. Suffice it to say, I shall not hold my breath until they work out their problems.
Sounds like you did it by email. Or did they just respond by email somehow? When we see these issues, we recommend a call, and insisting on 2nd level support specializing in "Live" situations. Clearly all of those things aren't problems for the many of us running a GO 1535 Live.
Pure speculation but if the GO LIVE 1535 was a refurbished unit, I believe it would not come with a 1 year paid up LIVE subscription.
However, if that were the case, CS should have informed correspondingly.

@ Kyuzo, if you contact was via eMail, can you copy CS's replies here.

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