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Jan 2, 2009
British Columbia, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom XL-S IQ Routes Edition
Hi there, I just signed up for a tomtomforums account tonight as I was looking for help with my new device. I made my first post on your mobile site and wanted to let you know of my experience. I started a thread and realized that I had a couple of typos.


So I went into the wap site to make the appropriate corrections. The corrections took effect on the wap site, but not on the html site. I tried reloading the page, clearing the cache, and re-booting Internet Explorer. It still showed my typos on the html site. Then I thought I would try and edit it from the html site as well. When I did this, the corrections all showed up properly in the edit screen.


I just hit cancel and my post still shows typos on the html site.

Issue number 2 probably isn't an issue. I think I just need to be pointed in the right direction. On the wap site, how do I get it to show entire posts? I don't want to have to hit the "more" button everytime I come across a long post. I looked through all the settings but I couldn't find anything.

Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry Curve 8330: BlackBerry8330/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/126 UP.Browser/

Okay I figured out the last issue with only being able to see part of the message. Apparently I had to turn Truncation off.
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