Messy POI categories - do the DesiG's at TomTom read these posts?

Feb 26, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
One of the major letdowns in regard to the TomTom VIA POIs is that TomTom didn't take into account a couple of major influences to owning a nav system when they seemingly threw together their POI categories.

One influence TomTom missed to boat on is subcategorization of restaurants. For instance, while we are on the road we love to be able to find interesting restaurants and make our selection by cuisine. The decision to release TomTom without subcategorizing restaurants by cuisine is a travesty which takes the pleasure out of finding a dining destination while on the road - something I do miss from my old Garmin.

The other example is the shopping category - what a mess! That category lumps a very odd assortment of services together. Within a half mile, I can find a 7-11 store, an individual, a H&R Block, a mold removal team, a dry cleaners, an aerial images photography company, and a Walmart Supercenter. Subcategorization of this mess would be vastly appricated, as well. I live in a major metropolitan area and often when on the way home from an appointment I may need to pick something up from a grocery store for dinner. In this area we have markets, mercados, Dominics, Jewels, all sorts of grocery stores - Garmin managed to separate out some sub-categories, how about it TomTom? Build some customer loyalty here!

For the most part, I really like the TomTom, but when I have to pull over to get my phone out to use the internet to find a place and then punch in the address - what is the point? I may be returning the device to Costco.

I see you can BUY the ability to search for categories of restaurants from TomTom as a part of the "live" services - Please!!?? I could buy a tablet and a wireless plan, apps, etc and have a nav sys with the same live services and a much bigger screen which I can also use as a personal computing device without being nickle and dimed to death buying little software enhancements here and there. I just want decent subcategories in restaurants and shopping and the distance in driving instead of bird's eye when I see the list. Things that make a nave system more enjoyable.
There's a reason that I haven't bought a non-Live device since that feature was introduced. Nothing like a "Google search / Navigate to" to simplify life.
I agree with Canderson. I don't own a PND with love services but I have the next best thing. I have the TomTom app on my iPhone and iPad. The app does include Live services and HD traffic. The plus side is that there are many additional tweaks on iPhone/iPad that integrate with TomTom such as 'Navigate through maps'. This allows me to search using the map app but then navigate to the location using the TomTom App.
"love services"? Is there POI category for THAT, too?!? :scared:
One of the major letdowns in regard to the TomTom VIA POIs is that TomTom didn't take into account a couple of major influences to owning a nav system when they seemingly threw together their POI categories.

One influence TomTom missed to boat on is subcategorization of restaurants. For instance, while we are on the road we love to be able to find interesting restaurants and make our selection by cuisine. The decision to release TomTom without subcategorizing restaurants by cuisine is a travesty which takes the pleasure out of finding a dining destination while on the road - something I do miss from my old Garmin.
. . .
I see you can BUY the ability to search for categories of restaurants from TomTom as a part of the "live" services - Please!!?? . . . I just want decent subcategories in restaurants and shopping and the distance in driving instead of bird's eye when I see the list. Things that make a nave system more enjoyable.
Since you are in the US, you might find it worth some time to look at the FREE files you can get for almost any POI category that you can imagine. The web site that is my personal favorite is at:

For example, just in the category of Restaurants they currently have 897 POI files. Most are files in which I have little interest, but I have found a number that I have downloaded for my own use. Some are of chain restaurants, some of regional areas, some of categories such as "Mom & Pop Cafes", etc.

Since these are assembled from contributions by individual visitors to that web site, I find their recommendations more useful than the commercial listings created by companies that just pull a list from the phone book. For example, I recently "discovered" a relatively new "hole-in-the-wall" place for BBQ less than 2 miles from my home, thanks to the BBQ Joints POI file that I got from that site.

With best wishes,
- Tom -

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