MapShare and IQ Routes coverage data?

May 26, 2009
I was not able to find this on TomTom's site, and it would be interesting to see some statistics on which areas are best covered by this. Is there a way to find this?

I'm also curious how often do people connect their gps to the pc to update it, since that's required to upload the IQ routes data. Most people I know just keep in in the car. It seems like this is something only the new TT users do?
Tomtom used to have an individual "# of map corrections in use" report, but ever since the HOME bug that tells everyone to buy a subscription, that report has been hidden.

Tomtom claims the following IQroutes data in this press release:

- Data derived from more than 600 billion speed measurements shared by consumers in 26 countries over the past two years;

- Coverage for 24 European countries, encompassing 15.5 million kilometers and complete coverage of the navigable road network;

- Coverage in North America for Canada and the United States, encompassing 19.5 million kilometers and approximately 90 percent of the navigable road network; and

- 77 percent of frequently traveled roadways with actual average speeds for every five minutes of the day on any day of the week.

My guess is that 10-20% of Tomtom users plug in at some point, either to buy new maps or get quickGPSfix data. Mapshare alone gives users a good reason to plug in.

Also, Tomtom didn't license QuickFixII from sirfstar (as Garmin did on their higher-end models), which was a non-plugin approach to QuickFixI (called QuickGPSfix in tomtom speak). You could consider that a conscientious cost-saving / quality decision since QuickFixI offers faster satellite acquisition than QuickFixII, or a more sinister attempt to force people to plug in their tomtoms to supply data.

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