Map Share updates won't stick

Feb 11, 2009
New York
TomTom Model(s)
GO 730, GO 2535 LIVE
For the last several days I have kinda weird problem with Map Share updates - I see that I have update on the icon in the tray, connect my unit (2535Live), log in, click on Install button, it goes thru normally, but in the end Install button reappears and icon in the tray still shows that I have that same update. On the unit itself it says updates installed successfully, I click OK and here we are - on the computer it still says you have updates. I did all the usual troubleshooting routine - cleared cache and cookies in the browser, cleared cache in MyTomtom, rebooted unit repeatedly rebooted computer repeatedly, even tried it on the other computer with the same result - those Map Share updates don't seem to be sticking. It might be problem on Tomtom servers or just on my unit.
Does anyone else have the same experience with Map Share updates lately? Before last week it was all well.:confused:
It's a bug in the MyTomTom software, I think. Keeps offering mapshare files, even when they've been dl and installed. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Just go for MS update every couple of days.
That's what I thought, just wanted to see of others experience the same bug. I'm not worried just mighty annoying. As an IT support person I can relate to their pain, just would like to have a standardized way to submit bug report to TT if I understand correctly there isn't any in place now?
You know all too good how well it works :rolleyes: In my company, software developers wouldn't consider it a bug if it was submitted on the phone thru the help desk, only if it was properly documented and sent in. Oh well, I'll cross my fingers and wait until the issue resolves itself :thumb:
Take my word for it that the developers at TT ARE aware of the issue. How long before it's rectified, who knows?
From my previous experiences with your help I know that I can rely on your word. As long as they are aware and working on it, it's just my job practically depends on my GPS working reliably. Thanks DHN for getting back to me that fast and putting my mind to ease.
Same problem. I also noticed that every time I updated, myTT would report that the space being used on my TT had increased at bit, and my TT had a little less free space available. So eventually these identical update files could fill up your TT. You can't just go into the TT and remove stuff any more, on the via models or models that use MyTomTom, like you could on the models that used TT Home, but there is a way to remove the accumulated identical updates. In settings, set things so that you are no longer "joined" to the map share feature (you have to click a button that says "leave." This will remove all your accumulated identical data files. Then if you want to, you can "join" again, and update just once. A week later, do the same thing. Otherwise your TT will fill up with unused info.

I had the same problem with tech support. They spent all this time trying to fix the problem, including wasting my time asking me to do a hard reset, which of course caused me to have to write down all my settings and later to have to go through the TT and reset them by hand, and also having to use "community" to restore my favorites from my backup files on my computer. After this didn't work, and all my time was wasted, they then said "oh i'm sorry, it's a known issue, there's nothing that can be done at this time; we're working on it." I'm sure they are really working hard on it. Alright, I'm not so sure.

I did note that a hard reset erased my favorites, and turned all the settings to the default settings - but oddly it did not erase my custom poi groups with their custom poi's.
...there is a way to remove the accumulated identical updates. In settings, set things so that you are no longer "joined" to the map share feature (you have to click a button that says "leave." This will remove all your accumulated identical data files. Then if you want to, you can "join" again, and update just once. A week later, do the same thing. Otherwise your TT will fill up with unused info.

Good tip. Thanks! :thumb:

I did note that a hard reset erased my favorites, and turned all the settings to the default settings - but oddly it did not erase my custom poi groups with their custom poi's.

That's the way it's always been. I did a list of all the things a "Return to factory settings" does and doesn't do, years ago over on another forum.

Here's a copy of it

A "Return to Factory Settings" forgets or resets:
Left/Right Handedness
Clock format
Asks for correct time but seems to remember it.
Map selected
Map Colour scheme (cannot select a custom scheme the first time!)
MapShare joining
Status Bar preferences
Volume Preferences
Street Name Preferences
Keyboard Preferences
Planning Preferences
Music Preferences
Battery saving preferences (this is where "shutdown on loss of power" is)
Hide tips setting
User name and password for the Plus services
Car symbol
Quick menu preferences.

It also forgets for the current map:
Home Location
Recent Destinations
POI Warnings
Map Share corrections

It seems to remember:
Safety Preferences
User POI's themselves (the files are not deleted. In fact it comes back with them ALL selected to show on map)
Brightness Preferences
Speaker Preferences
Start up and shutdown screens
Any settings for other maps installed but not currently selected (favourites, POI warnings etc.)

There might be a few errors or things that need adding, but that's the gist of it.
I was kinda hoping that after today's release of new firmware version the problem with servers not registering that device's been updated with Map Share would go away. No dice! Nothing changed and the size of that Map Share file grows each and every day because server thinks that you never updated your device. I'm beginning to think that they just ignore it as a very minor nuisance not worth their time. It should be an easy fix, those Map Share updates worked fine for a long while and the problem is on their side which makes it even easier to find and fix. They must be busy implementing and enhancing these newly cooked iOS6 Maps:mad:

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