LoquendoTTS command: Antidote to \s ?

May 24, 2010
I'm refining additions to the \LoquendoTTS\data\roadnrEnglishGb.rex UK file in order to make 295 be pronounced as 2 9 5 as has been done for the US road numbers here number-enunciation

The roads are all single letter classification (M, A or B), in GB equivalent to Interstate 'I", so I use the same \s to cause TTS pronunciation of the letter "em" rather than the sound "muh". Snag is we have lots of roads with numbers and names which follow straight after. So after switching TTS to |s mode, I need to switch it back to normal pronunciation after the road number - else it spells out the road name letter by letter!

Anyone know what it is? (It's not a toggle, I tried just adding a 2nd \s. And I also tried a closing \S).

Suspected so. Why not post there as at least one member (MARViN2003 ) there seems to have played around with the files you are asking about............

unless you ARE MARViN2003 ?? :eek:
unless you ARE MARViN2003 ?? :eek:

No, layingback.

Anyway to answer my own question:

There is no anti command to \s. \s operates (to cause the letter to be pronounced, as in "aye' instead of "ahh") until the next space, ie. until the next word.

So that's no sorted.

New question if anyone can help: What does \Nx used in the following excerpted from the number-enunciation thread as in
"(^|[ \t]+)US[ \-]*([0-9])0([0-9])([^0-9])" = "\1 \s US \Nx \2 oh \Nx \3 \4"
actually do? And why are there 2 of them, and the first one placed 1 command early?

Any insight gratefully received. TIA!

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