Issue after downloading map

Jul 1, 2010
South of South Island NZ
TomTom Model(s)
One XL
I downloaded an updated map, it was too large to fit on the SD card (1gig) in my One XL.

I copied the SD card to my computer, then copied it back to a larger card (2gig).

I lost the voices, then discovered that the latest map I downloaded was not there, the older version was there, but the later one was on my computer.

I transfered one voice, (only need one), loaded the later version (I hope-it had a higher number) and then I had 2 maps so I deleted the older one.

I also lost all my favourites and recent destinations.

Previously I used to be able to see the device and the SD card with a TT name on my computer, now I can only see the SD card which has another name not the TT name.

OK so a lot of issues, however it still works but I would like to get it back to the way it was.

Is there anything I can do.

For starters, if you still have a copy of your mapsettings.cfg file on your PC, copying that to your map file will get your favorites and recent destinations.
I didn't help by saying "copying that to your map file", either. I meant "copying that to your map folder".
It will be good if I can figure out why I have a NZ map in the device and also on the card. And why I can not see the maps on the card. Well not quite true, I can see my Europe map on the card, if I go in to the folder called Tomtom I can find a NZ map and UK map.

Why are they in there and the Europe map can be seen from the front page.
It also seems I have a copy of the NZ map in the device that is different from an NZ map that might be on the Card.
Home doesn't always behave correctly when it comes to maps on internal and SD, and it's what's causing the problem. Once you have a map ONLY on the SD, then Home seems perfectly happy to update things there and leave the internal memory alone as it should.

So find out WHICH is the more current map folder. The dates of the files in the two map folders will make that pretty clear.

Copy BOTH map folders to a safe spot on your PC. If the internal was more recent, delete the map folder on your SD and move the internal copy there. If the map on the SD was more recent, just delete the one from internal.

I'm assuming in all of this that you wish to have your map folder on the SD card. That's how most of us operate when we have external storage available.
Yes that is correct, I have a 2 gig card in my unit now so it should be all good for the maps I need, 2 of Europe, 1 of UK, 1 of Autralia and 1 of NZ.

I seem to have more than a map on my SD card as when I plug it into the slot on the computer then it acts just like the device. I have some weird things going on.

Also when I have the SD card in the device and plug the device into the computer I only "see" the card, not the device. Previously I could see the device and the card.

And I have now done a complete backup (2 times) once using the Tomtom backup programme, and another by copying the files to the computer, as per a suggestion on another thread.
Interesting - I wonder if there's an application on that card as well. For what it's worth, when the TomTom has a choice of booting the application from internal memory or the SD card, it uses the SD card. Kind of counterintuitive, but can be very handy at times.

Don't like the fact that your PC can't see both internal and SD card memory when it's plugged in.

It would be good to know exactly what your memory configuration is on that beast. Can you please identify the 1st two characters of the serial number on the bottom? It could be a regional 512KB model of some sort or a 1MB version.
On the sticker on the bottom of the machine in very small print is the following number:


Something strange has happened with the memory configuration. Prior to installing the last version of TT Home I could see both the internal memory and the SD card.
That is when accessed directly from the the computer.
"L2" .. That's a 512K 'regional' model.

A particular version Home won't have disturbed whether you can see your unit from your PC.

Let's have a look at what's on your SD card. Do you see a file in the root of your card called ttsystem? If so, your unit is booting off the SD card.
I do not see TTsystem file - but I do see a system file.

I have just removed the card, formated it and restored from the backup using TTbackup. Unsurprisingly it still only shows 1 TT unit when I click Computer.

It is strange because before I put in the 2 gig card (I had a 1 gig card in before) I did see both the device and the card.
If you are using a PC then you SHOULD see the internal memory and the SD card slot as two separate drives. even if there is no card in the slot (Macs work differently and only show the card slot when a card is actually in the slot.

None of which helps you with your situation....

Going back to your first post, you say
Previously I used to be able to see the device and the SD card with a TT name on my computer, now I can only see the SD card....
What do you see if you connect the TT to the computer WITHOUT the SD card inserted?
I'm thinking the internal memory my have physically died.

.....which has another name not the TT name.
That may depend on you having a file called "autorun.inf" on BOTH the internal memory and the SD card.

This file is a standard part of the TomTom system, but won't necessarily get installed on an SD card unless you put it there yourself.
The file is a standard text file, which you can edit in Notepad to set the on-screen name to be anything you like in the "label" line and also set it to use two different icon files for the two storage locations.

Mine used to look like this:

action=Run TomTom HOME
label=TomTom Flash
#This section is empty; autorun will not install device drivers to your PC.
and for the SD card:

#action=Run TomTom HOME
label=TomTom SD card
#This section is empty; autorun will not install device drivers to your PC.

...and my icons look like this (see the tiny SD card on the logo):


Since I took that picture I've modified the labels again to add the Model number too. Useful if you have more than one device to connect!


  • TT_Drives.jpg
    31.5 KB · Views: 619
Thanks Andy

The internal memory is still working, it has my UK and NZ map on it.
The device works without the card in it.

I will work through the post above and check those inf files.

Another question.
How big can an SD card be in my unit.
I want to put the big 1100mb Europe map on my unit along with the Central Western Europe card, UK map and Australian card. NZ map is in the internal memory.
You are right the files below are on my SD card

Inside the root directory there is a file:Tomtom
in this file there is the autorun.inf file.
It reads:

I can only find this inf file and no other file anywhere else.
However, I am about to connect my device without the card in it and see what might be in an autorun file in the device.

I found this file in the back up I made by copying the folder to the computer, not by using the backup created by TomTom

Note: the above autorun file is exactly the same as the autorun file in the device.
So if I take the autorun file off the SD card will that make a difference and enable me to see both the device and the card.
Maybe I will experiment.
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Interesting, I took the card out, connected the device and found the internal map was the original map. I installed a later map (not the latest) and checked for updates.

After they were all updated I disconnected the device, inserted a blank SD card and connected the device.

It now says it needs to be updated, and new TT systems are to be added to make the unit work.

I have already done this with another card so I did not continue.
It appears the downloaded files make the unit run from the card and not from the device.

It would be good if the device only used the card for storage, then I could fit my maps on a 2 gig card.

Hopefully the unit will work with a 4 gig card. I do not want to have to change cards, to easy to loose them!
I have done a lot more reading and found many posts that say the unit will only boot from the SD card if one is inserted and it does not use the internal memory.

I also read that the max size of card is 2 gig, so I might not be able to get the maps on to the unit that I want to.
But some have got non HC cards of 4 gig to work. I might try that.
A 4 gb sd card will work ....... if you can find one. A 4gb sdhc card will not work.

If you can find the 4 gb card and copy everything (map, application, all other folders) to the card then the unit will boot from the sd card.
Many thanks

I will have to hunt for this - going to be hard to find I think, although there is a card listed on the Trademe website that does not say it is an HC card. It is cheap, I might give it a try.
'Transcend' and 'TopRam' were two brands that used to do them. The last one I bought for a friend was only a few months ago. That was a different brand, but I can't remember which it was now!

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