Input phone number or business name

Sep 8, 2006
Dallas, Texas
Hello Everyone,
I just signed up to the forum and glad to have a forum for the north american users. I just bought my 910 last week and used it over the labor day weekend to go out of state. BTW I live in Dallas, Texas. I?m still trying out my new 910. I love some features of it but would like to know if there is some features that we can enter the business name or we can enter the business phone number.
I own an Acura MDX with Navigation. The navi system in this car we can enter a business name (say starbucks) then it will give you a list from the closest one where you are located and the address and phone number. Sometimes the phone number is useful for us to call them and ask if they are open or not. Also we can enter the phone number of the business and it give you the route to that place of business.
Just wondering if Tomtom has that very useful features. Sorry if this topic has been brought up before. Thanks
If you load in custom POIs then basically it will be able to show you a list of Starbucks for example from the closest one to the further with address and phone number if that POI includes that info. But I am not sure about entering the phone number part, will have to check that out but I dont believe that would be possible. So since you have a stock navi, why did you buy a 910? just curious.
Welcome to our community Asut. We are happy to answer any questions.
To navigate to a business, you select 'Navigate to' then select 'POI' (point of interest). You will get more options such as POI near your or city. If you want to find a lets say Starbucks because your craving some coffee in the middle nowhere, you select POI near you and click "Find" and type out starbucks. This is the easiest form. However, you and your friends want to go to a starbucks 20 miles from your current location (for whatever reason) then you select POI in a city. From this menu you first select the city that Starbucks is located and next type in Starbucks.

I'm sorry to say, when navigating to a Point of Interest, it doesn't tell you the address or phone number.
However, you want to call that Starbucks near you or far away, you can do that. You first have to have your phone paired with the 910. Then on the 1st menu screen, select "make a call" and somewhere should say "Point of Interest". You should go through the same routine of finding the starbucks by searching the city and then "starbucks" and it will call for you through your 910.

I hope this info helps.
Great post Pedro much more thorough then I was, but one quick point though, on custom POIs if you keep your finger on the list it does show you the address and phone number. I am not sure on the stock POIs from TomTom though.
It is for my other car, a minivan which I will be doing a lot travelling on it. Another reason I want to get a portable GPS so if I rent other cars or go to europe and have a GPS that I can use it.
Thanks John. I did forget to mention custom POIs. They are much better.
Asut, I hope this information helps.
There is a limit as to the number of Custom POIs allowed...100

After that they start writing over each other.
Is that 100 total POI entries or is that 100 POI locations? Meaning, if I already have 100 StarBucks locations, and add 40,000 McDonald's locations will my StarBucks POIs be overwritten?

Regardless of how that actualy is that seem rather limiting in terms of adding POIs. Any idea why the POIs would be limited like that? I mean, the GO 910 has a relatively HUGE hard drive and fast processor. I could understand such a limitation for a lower end GO, but that's a frustrating limitation for such a beast as the GO 910.
Depending on which version you were running on the V5xxx, you were allowed 27 POIs catagories, which then increases to 40.

V6 now allows 100 POI catagories.
1. McDonalds
2. Starbucks
3. Red Light Cameras.....etc.
Groovy! I was worried it was limited to 100 of the same icons or something ridiculous like that, which would mean that unless you were applying POIs for like a city map (maybe a state map), you'd be out of luck after just a few POI groups!

27? I don't know what they were thinking back then!

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