Incomplete Audio Directions

Jan 28, 2009
I have installed Tom Tom Navigator 6 on my Windows Mobile 6.1 phone [HP ipaq] but it doesn't give me complete audio directions.

Instead of saying "After half a mile turn left", it just says "After..." and then stops. I have tried re-installing the application and I have tried changing voices but the problem persists.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Are there any known solutions?

Hi barrabing

Are there any apps running in the background that could be taking up RAM or CPU usage?
Does it always cut off at the same spot or is it random?
Hi silv3rback

Nope, I've tried it without any programmes running except for Tom Tom.

And it cuts off every single time in exactly the same place.

All the other directions work fine Eg. "Left turn ahead", "Keep left" and "Turn left" all work fine.

But all the directions starting with "After" have the problem Eg. "After half a mile turn left". It just keeps silent after saying "After".

How have you tried changing the voices? Sounds likes its either those dll's that are corrupt or the TomTom app itself that isnt reading them properly.... See if you could grab a completely different voice pack and run that

If it still happens, its the app itself. If your running TomTom off your SD Card like I am, try formatting it to get rid of any bad sectors that might be there and try install again
Hope that helps a bit
So I re-formatted the SD card and it didn't work.

However, I have found that while the first time the instruction gets abbreviated at "After" if I click on the screen it repeats the entire instruction correctly.

Any other suggestions?

Maybe this is a bit too hectic to try, but maybe a hard reset on the phone? Thats gonna put everything back to factory settings though, and most likely to delete everything on your phone...
If all else fails, I suppose I'll need to try a hard reset, but I'm hoping there's a more elegant solution.

I can't remember exactly where in the preferences it is but try un-checking the box in the volume preferences to do with altering the volume with speed. I had "stuttering" sound on my iPaq PDA with version 6 and eventually found this fixed it.


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