IE errors when viewing your topics

Dec 19, 2007
San Diego, California
TomTom Model(s)
One LE

I recently joined your forum. When I try to view your topics or threads, I usually get an IE error telling me it couldn't open the site. It doesn't happen all the times, but when it does, I just can't seem to figure how to disable this error. (see picture below).


I have tried to adjust the Privacy feature in Zone Alarm Pro 7.0.462.000 to uncheck everything that could be not allowing the site to be seen. The only workaround is to shut down ZAP in order for me to enjoy reading the topics on your forum.

Can someone who also uses Zone Alarm Pro 7 please check this link to see if you guys are able to view it?

If you can, please help me figure out this issue, I would really appreciate thanks. It does seem like a very good forum for TomTom users like myself, or else I wouldn't go through the trouble of reporting this issue with you guys.

Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition
Product Name: ZoneAlarm Pro 7
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This happens a lot to me too. I have to open each thread or link, one at a time until the page loads.
I was able to find out what was the issue. It is the ads I believe that come from or anything that comes from

I googled it, and discovered a lot of forums also reporting this issue with those type of ads. Here is one site that also reports this:

The googlesyndication ads that this site has are okay... they are done right. Click here to read a site that reports this also. (If you do a google search, just type in "kontera issues".

But anything from, make firewalls like ZoneAlarm try to block those site, resulting from blocking the entire thread and giving us those type of IE errors--which is the problem.

What I had to do is put all sites (i.e., and etc.) on my blocked zone in my firewall. Now I don't get these issues anymore. I am now able to open all the threads as quickly as a normal forum that doesn't have those type of ads.

I hope this helps.
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You know, I really like this site and I understand the need to have ads in order to keep the lights on. But the ads *really* slow down page loading and can make it very frustrating. I haven't noticed this to be so much of a problem on other vBulletin sites I which have advertising.

Maybe that's just the nature of the beast, but I wish the forum index pages would load more quickly. FWIW, I'm using Safari on a Mac under OSX10.4.
I have had a similar if not the same issue. I would open the thread and the get the intercept. At times I could not access certain tools of the forum. However I have three computers in the office, all doing different things but with the same programs and the other two would open the thread. I dumped the temp file and cookies and it solved the problem for me. I have no idea if this might help someone else.
Well, it's been a while since I haven't had any issues viewing the forum until today. it seems added two new subdomains to their site. So I had to block and, after that, no more IE errors.
Well, it's been a while since I haven't had any issues viewing the forum until today. it seems added two new subdomains to their site. So I had to block and, after that, no more IE errors.

I find with this website that I have to start IE7 with no add-ons (right click the IE7 icon on the desktop); otherwise, when I click on a thread when the site loads, my browser just freezes.
Why don't you all install FireFox with the No-Script Plugin?

FireFox is one of the best browsers available, period
I use Zone Alarm, but haven't seen any problem. BUT, this forum is slower to load than any other forum I frequent. The more pages there are, the longer it takes to load the thread.

I figured it had to do with ads being displayed, but I don't see any ads at all since I use the MVPS 'Hosts' file to block them.

Blocking Unwanted Parasites with a Hosts File
Why don't you all install FireFox with the No-Script Plugin?

FireFox is one of the best browsers available, period

mmm...I guess we could do that...but

It has to be something goofy with this particular site. I have no end of grief trying to read posts. I have probably 200 other sites bookmarked, and not a single one of them does this.

If I try to read the forum at work...forget it, it just keeps A) showing an empty screen with "done" at the bottom, or B) saying IE cant open it

Dont get me wrong, I really enjoy reading the forum when I can actually get pages to open.

Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry Curve 8330: BlackBerry8330/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/126 UP.Browser/

I just signed up for tomtomforums today and I've already received 3 similar messages.

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