How to stop a POI search?

May 16, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
XXL 540 TM
Device: XXL 540

When searching for a POI using a search term, how do i get the list to stop populating?

My situation: I'm looking for a mall, which happens to share a name with a nearby town. A list of results begins to populate, and i see the word "mall" come and go on the screen, indicating that it must have dropped to the second page of results (they are sorted by distance).

I press the down arrow to get to that result, and the TomTom immediately brings me back to the first page of results. I can't react fast enough to click my result, which is on the 2nd page. Why should i even have to? it's a GPS, not a video game.

I believe that this is a result of the page refreshing because it is finding new results, and every time it finds a new result, it autoatically takes me back to page 1. Why is it doing this? It's finding results 60 miles away, and stopping me from clicking on a mall that's only 10 miles away.

How do i tell the GPS to stop searching, since it has already found what i want?
I really haven't noticed this. When you do the search, are you using 'near me' or 'in city' or 'other location'?

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