How-to install car icon, any navcore easy tut

Jan 19, 2009
OK, this works on any tomtom, but depending on navcore you have it works diferently, this program saves the hassle and works on any tt device no matter what navcore or map
First make your car icon i.e. take pic of your car from high rear view position, put that pic now into paint shop pro or any other paint shop program and put a red background around the car as normal.
Save the pic at 80x80 pixels and as a .bmp and now close paint shop program.
Ok now make a folder and call it art in the root of sd card NOT MAP folder.
Copy over the car icon pic you just saved, into the new folder you made called 'art'.
Download this file i have posted and extract the folder anywhere on your pc, i saved mine to C:, the folder is called TomTomHeaven.
Now click on the middle file called 'TomTomHeavenXplorer.application', it will ask you to install network application, say yes to it.
Once done, connect your tomtom to the pc and start the program, a little box will appear.
In the white area on left hand side you will see your file, simply click on SAVE, wait and another small box appears, click ok.
Then click on APPLY and it will confirm that now car icon is usuable.
Reboot tomtom and now your car is on

**Link removed**
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That seems an awful lot of trouble, compared to "copy .bmp file to /art/cars".

I would never, never, NEVER trust any executable program downloaded from RapidShare.

And why on Earth would you say "yes" to "Install network application" for something that is completely non-network-centric?

I'm not about to even consider downloading it to find out, but this sounds like a virus dropper to me. I'm going to send a link to this thread to the folks at F-Secure, and see if they have anything to say.

You are 100% correct in your comments. I've now removed the link from the original post.

Sorry, I must have missed it in the first place. Any references in any posts to warez sites will not be tolerated in TomTom Forums.

Thanks for the 'heads up'.
No problem, happy to help! If you happen to have saved the offending link, could you PM it to me so I can pass it on to F-Secure? I'm sure they'd like to give it a once-over.

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