How do you use Edit POI ?

Aug 18, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
Go Live 1534TM
I am new to TomTom's. I have a GoLive1535TM, and I wanted to add a POI to an existing category. I was able to do that, but I made an error that I'd like to correct before I contact MyTomTom.

When I go to Edit POI, I can bring up the faulty POI, but when I touch Select, it just goes away, and I can not access it.

How are corrections/editings done?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Not intuitive, is it? Use "Map corrections" / "Correct a map error" / right arrow / "Add missing POI" or "Edit POI" or whatever you need to do. From there, you can add or edit a POI in an existing category, and your addition or change will go out via the MapShare system to TomTom and potentially, other users as well.
The confusion arises because there are TWO different types of POIs on the TomTom devices.

The first type are the built-in POIs. These are not editable, except by Mapshare

The "Edit POI" menus are just for the second type, the "user" POIs which you can add yourself, either by crrreating them on theunit itself (using "Add POI category") or by manually adding the POI files using 'MyTomTom' on the newer models like yours, or TT Home or Windows Explorer on the older ones
Thanks, both Andy P and canderson --

I guess I've made a mess. I was using the "map correction" button to add the animal shelter to Government offices. It appeared to do that fine, but I didn't have the phone number and thought I could use the POI edit button to add it later.

Looks like I can not do that. Then, when you do use the map correction and make an error, how can you get it back, erase it, or edit?

I guess what I would like to know is how does MapShare work?
Ah, I see now. You should be able to modify your addition (see at ***, below). I'll try to answer both your general and specific questions.

MapShare entries should not be undertaken lightly .. as you'll understand after the following explanation.

First, when you enter a correction to an existing map feature or built-in POI category, you'll be asked if you want to share the change with the community. If you do not, the change remains local to your unit. If you do 'share' the change, the information will also be retained on your unit, but in addition, the next time you connect your unit, the change information will be forwarded to TomTom for review and possible redistribution to other users.

Once the change exists on your unit, depending upon the nature of the change, it can be modified or perhaps deleted. For example, if you add a turn restriction at an intersection (e.g., indicating a 'No Left Turn' that was missed), you can go back later and effectively (but not actually) remove that turn restriction by going back to that same intersection and indicating that a left turn is allowed. On your unit, you will see only that the turn is now allowed. If you also 'shared' that information, TomTom will see two entries ... the first one that indicates the turn is not allowed, and a subsequent entry that shows that the turn is allowed.

*** In the case of a POI that you have added to an existing TomTom category by using "Map corrections", you can return to Map corrections / Correct a map error / and use Edit POI. From there, you can 'Delete' the POI, move it, change (or add) a phone number, rename it, or whatever.

Last ... if you perform a Factory Reset on your device (done from Settings / Factory reset settings), all of your Mapshare changes to roads, POI, etc., are deleted. IF you do so before connecting your device to your PC, those changes will also never be sent to TomTom for evaluation, and as a result, not only will you not see them on your unit anymore, no one else will see them, either.
Thanks canderson --

If I do perform a Factory Reset, will that also erase all the additions that have come down through the Internet via MyTomTom?

And if so, when I log on again to MyTomTom, will I get just the current(newest) updates, or will I download every update since the firmware in the TomTom stored before I bought it?

A factory reset will cause you to lose all your custom settings. Whatever version of firmware is on your device when you do the reset is maintained.
And to continue, yes. If by way of a Factory Reset, you delete all of the Mapshare data you have added and that you have received from TomTom, you'll get the full load of Mapshare data the next time you connect. But as dhn says, you also lose other settings in the process, and that can be a bit of a pain. As I say -- don't take the use of Mapshare lightly! It definitely can have consequences down road (yeah, bad pun).

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