How do you Calibrate 910 screen?

Jun 4, 2009
The touchscreen calibration is off on my TomTom 910. ex. If you want to enter an address you must select the touchpad # above the one you really want to press. This occurs for all touchscreen functions. So my problem is, when I want to select the option on the very first line, I Cannot. I cannot press above the screen therefore I end up selecting the 2nd line option.

Is there a guide on how to calibrate the touchscreen? or any advise would be good too. I have already done a soft reset from the menu screen. And I have also done a hard reset from the pinhole in the back. No help.

Thanks for any advice.
I'm not sure this will help but you can try the Clear flash tool found here. Download it and run it 3 times.

Also, there may be a bit of dust under the bezel of the unit causing some strange results. With the sharp corner of a thin piece of cardboard (like a business card) run it slowly around the entire perimeter of the bezel.

A real long shot is to uninstall and reinstall the application.

There is no calibration screen on the unit.
Will try it.

Thanks dhn for your suggestion. I will try to do that. I can't believe that the screen does not have a way to be calibrated. Does the 910 have a repair manual with troubleshooting? I already know how to take the whole thing apart.

Thanks again.
Check out this link. Haven't tried, so I don't know if it works. Post back and let us know if you have success.
Nice calibration info

Thanks mvl for the info. Looks like a promising fix, though just a little complicated for me. I need to look into it when I have a bit more time.

I just got back from vacation so it will take me some time to get to it. I also just recieved my replacement battery and installed far battery works great. In the meantime I am able to use my remote control for the TT so I am not in a big rush to calibrate the unit. I need to get a better understanding on how to do it so I don't screw it up worse. I will try to do it ASAP and I will be sure to come back with my feedback.

Thanks for your support.
Not a good fix for 910

Here is the situatioin: according to the information provided, you must change the values in the directory:
ttsystem file by adding a line such as calib.txt, or with the adjusted values through an SD card.

My problem is that my 910 does not have an SD card slot. So, How am I able to access the ttsystem file without using the SD card?

My current values are as follows: 72 938 126 862

Any suggestions with details please, I'm not that high tech savy :)

Thanks for your feedback.
Use Explorer to see the contents of your unit and Notepad to change the value in text files in the unit.

Trust me, if you change the battery in the unit, you can do this .............;)
Anyone with good 910 calib. values?

Ok dhn, I'll try and take a look at it. Do you or anyone have a good vlaue number for the screen calibration? I need to compare with mine and see what kind of numbers I need to close to.


Ok, here is how far I got. I am able to access the HD through explorer. Where should this file go? I created the file with a minor change to values but after rebooting the TT910, nothing changed the values are still the same as before I made the change. This file must go to a specific location for the TT to recognize it, but where? As the procedure states on that post, it says to put it in th ttsystem file. But this file on the HD does not open. Or maybe i'm trying to open it with the wrong program. (notepad or wordpad)

Any guidence is appreciated.

Can someone with a TT Go 910 please reboot your TT and tell me what your "Touchscreen calibration value is? I need this to set the values for mine when I get to that point.

Thanks again.
The file calib.txt goes in the root of the unit. The root is the basic storage location. When you use Explorer to look at the contents of your unit, you see lots of yellow folders and a bunch of loose files not in folders. You are looking at the root of the unit. The calib.txt file goes there.

(courtesy of
See below:

Ignore ALL the instructions about deleting files, etc in the image above, I just want you to see what the root of your unit looks like.
Here is a screenshot of my TT. I hope I uploaded correctly. The version is 7.903

Notice down at the Touchscreen 72 938 126 862
Does anyone have different numbers on a screen that is working good?

dhn, what would you suggest I enter into the root directory? It says

Should I name it also and change the values. and what would you suggest I try?

Thanks for your support.

ps, sorry for the long wait, I was away for Fathers Day. Hope everyone had a nice one as I did.


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Being honest, I don't know. The link mvl provided some posts up is all I know about calibration.

Here is what I got so far in my attempt to change the calibration. Trying to follow the directions from the link that was posted. In the root directory of the TT910 you must create a new folder called "" in this folder I created a doc. on wordpad and also called it "" In the text of the document is where you must enter the new values.

My boot screen displayed 72 938 126 862. I used this as a base line.

I tried to change the value of 72 to 75 but as the link said, reverse the first 2 values so I entered into text
938 75 126 862. I then reset my 910 and after reboot, the boot screen still kept the original numbers 72 938 126 862, but now I could not touch the screen at all. Touching the screen did not recognize the touch. After playing around some I figured out that the calibration was way too far off the screen for me to see it. So there was an actual change in the calibration.

Somehow I need to get a true calibration value to enter into my text line. Unless Tom Tom Techs are willing to give me a baseline to work with, this is gonna be alot of trouble to figure out.

Anyway, in order to put my screen back to my original problem, all I needed to do is delete the folder I created "" and I'm back to where I started from.

I'll still be working on this so I'll try to keep everyone posted.
Calibration Settings

Hi Folks

Thanks for the info - cleaning didn't work for mine but a calib.txt file on the root of TomTom Go520 worked a treat. Took a bit of fiddling but I ended up with:
938 72 80 580
as my co-ordinates in the file. Seems close enough to work keyboard and all buttons I have tried so far.

If you mess up and set them off the screen, press the tiny reset button and it will mount as a drive on your PC when you restart it, without needing any screen press confirmation, as long as a cable is connected. :)
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