Home 1.5's back

I started up my HOMe and it wanted to install it. funny they must have JUST put it up as I had started HOME up not 10 minute prior...

I declined to install through HOME so went to the website and grabbed a copy... just in case ;)

For anyone who has a hard time navigating the TT Support site...
I downloaded it from the website. The "Check for Updates" option never works for me.

For good measure, I tossed the 1.3 app as well as the two preferences files ("com.tomtom.tomtomhome.plist" and "HOME preferences") prior to installation, and it launced fine. Time will tell on stability, but the "My ONE" feature *STILL* doesn't work. Big time suck.

If it doesn't work, fine, but at least yank the icon for it. Don't leave a broken feature there just to annoy people. That's just bad design. :mad:

Ok, I feel better now. At this point, I'll be reasonably happy if it's stable. But it would sure be nice to be able to do planning on the machine. I'm not shelling out for a Windows license just for that though.
i agree, dalcarls, i think they should remove the icon instead of just teasing us mac users. get it to work already! how hard can this be? :)
too hard to decode somthing that's already there. Odd though... the OS for the device is closer in relation to a MAC then a PC...hmmmm
So does anything interesting happen when you connect your device to this new version? Does it give you a new QuickFix file? QuickFix has been slow for me this week. The first week was lightning fast, this week is molasses slow.
I'm too busy doing "other things" to install the new HOME right now.... and after what's happened lately I'm not sure i want ti install it just yet!
wow you guys are quick lol.

I had HOME open and when I came back to the computer, it had a pop-up message "There is a new version of TomTom HOME available. Do you want to install it now?"

I'll do it now and update you guys.

Edit: ok, the only thing I can see that's different is the new option to "Copy to Computer"
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Very cool, let us know. I'm curious if it seems more stable or gives another QuickFix file.
ok, since it started on a new page, some of you might miss my edited post

The only thing I can see that's different is the addition of the option "Copy to Computer"

It checked for updates and no updates for me (it's not 5 days yet and my quickfix is Thursday)
Hmmm. I wonder what would happen if you manually deleted those eph files from your unit? I might try this tomorrow.
I just installed too. New file dates of 1.31.07 (tho it's still 1.30.07 where I am) on the following:


All in the root.

and disallowtrip in statdata.

Other than that the "copy to Computer" function... Iguess instead of a full backup, pick and choose what you want?
It might be because I'm running it on an "ancient" OS (Windows 2000) with an ancient machine (Thinkpad 770X, 300MHz Pentium II, 192MB RAM) but Home 1.5 is a bit unstable for me compared to 1.3. It's crashed a bunch of times while trying to connect with my TTG 510. And when it does, it gets into some weird state that prevents it from launching again without rebooting. Also, the synchronize feature of the Backup function seems to consistantly cause a crash. I might try installing it on a more modern/powerful machine running XP. I keep the Thinkpad strictly as a management console for all my mobile devices such as my phone and TTG.
It might be because I'm running it on an "ancient" OS (Windows 2000) with an ancient machine (Thinkpad 770X, 300MHz Pentium II, 192MB RAM) but Home 1.5 is a bit unstable for me compared to 1.3. It's crashed a bunch of times while trying to connect with my TTG 510. And when it does, it gets into some weird state that prevents it from launching again without rebooting. Also, the synchronize feature of the Backup function seems to consistantly cause a crash. I might try installing it on a more modern/powerful machine running XP. I keep the Thinkpad strictly as a management console for all my mobile devices such as my phone and TTG.
no need. The SYNCHRONIZE button crashes HOME. I've tried it several times and so has someone else here. 1.3 and 1.5 backups are not compatible so do a full back after upgrading to 1.5!!
Not connecting...?

I connected my TomTom just now, and TomTom Home software asked if I wanted to download the new software. I clicked yes, and it installed. However, now... it doesn't seem to connect when I try to Log In. It says, "Network Error".

Anyone else experiencing this?

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