High pitch noise and sticky touchpanel

Feb 22, 2011
I'm bound not to be the first here but I can't find a sollution for this problem.
As soon as I turn on my TT GO500 it's making a real high pitch noise that is hearable from quite a distance..

It's driving me crazy when using and I would like to fix it.
The sound doesn't change with the brigthness of the screen ie: 0% or 100% doesn't matter, the noise stays exactly the same.

Another problem (not related) it that the touchscreen has a "stain" in the center of the screen; this stain is the result of my dad opening up the TT and replacing the battery...
It's like pressing the screen too hard (try it and see the result) and pressing the top (protective?) layer to the screen (glass?) itself but then without the pressing :D

if you touch the screen on other places the spot show quite clearly.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
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Wow, that model is from 2005. I wonder whether it is cost effective to even consider repairs on that unit.

One of our supermods, Mikealder, is UK based and may have more advice.
A replacement screen might cure the issue with the stain but probably won't address the noise, if the noise were the back light inverter then it would normally vary with brightness.

To be honest the cheapest solution would be to get a new device but seek some advice about the current models available relative to what you need from the unit, post up a list of what you want from the device such as hands free for the phone, remote control etc - Mike

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