Hi from Leeds United Kingdom

Jan 3, 2007
:) My lovely wife has bought me a new TomTom Go710 for Christmas and I must say I am very impressed with it, and I am very happy with the remote control I purchased for it. Its also a very good hands free setup while driving.

I think the reason my wife bought the tomtom is that we are originally from Scotland, we moved to Leeds in England due to work requirements 4 years ago and every time we go out to visit different areas of interest with the kids, we always manage to arrive somewhere totally different and end up totally lost.

Now the wife can give up map reading:rolleyes:
Hello back at ya from Texas. Congrats on the new TomTom. I love the remote that came with my 910, too. Makes it much easier to use and still keep your eyes on the road!

Do you ever get to the US? If so, I'd be interested in hearing your opinion of the US maps vs. the Europe ones. I've heard TeleAtlas maps are much better for Europe. I'm hoping the new map update takes care of this!

Welcome and enjoy your TomTom!
U.S. vs Euro Maps

I am in Italy and have a 510 I have used it in Europe and in the U.S.
I have noticed that in the States it has a few flaws but I presume that it's beacuse the U.S. is in continous expansion where in Europe most roads have been built so long ago and not as many new roads have been built in the past 5 years. In the States construction of new roads are more common.
That means Teleatlas has to do do alot more updateing there,and you may find or feel that you have an old map. however TomTom has been working pretty well. What europe has that the states dosen't have (but this forum is doing a great job) is the POI's available. In Europe we are ahead with Radar Speed Trap locatons,Trafic light cameras etc. but we in the Forum have many good folks that are constantly updating and sharing with other TT owners. I'm very happy with this product and sure TomTom will keep making this a better GPS , by reading are needs and ideas.

There is a great group of people in this forum! ;)

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