Go720T Unable to add missing house number

May 20, 2010
Leeds UK
TomTom Model(s)
720T and 1005 Eu v2
I have used TomTom's for many years, a Go then a 720T and also have an unused Rider.
The UK map does not show my own home address, so I am unable to accurately set home or navigate to it. It is a road that has existed for 60 years, likewise the house number. Garmin devices are able to use my address accurately. TT report that the house number is missing!

Using my TT I can access Map corrections / correct a map error / Report other error / existing street / by name / leeds / harrogate road / wrong or missing house numbers / 281 / additional notes / Missing house number. Reported many times over the least several years with no action.

Penny from TT tells me that this correction can only be picked up when new maps are issued. f this information was being collected properly by TomTom why has it not been used when a new map is issued?

If you allow this reporting on a TT why is this correction not implemented and shared??? If this information was being collected properly by TomTom why has it not been used when a new map is issued?

If you allow this reporting on a TT why is this correction not implemented and shared???

What is the use spending time correcting inaccurate maps if the corrections are not acted on???
Welcome to TTF.

The way the word 'you' is used in your post makes me think that this forum is part of TomTom, the company. It is not. While I agree with your points about the hassle of mapshare changes and reports not getting implemented in a timely manner, there is nothing we here can do about it except complain and individually contact TomTom with our concerns.

And I would suggest you do the same............. the more complaints, hopefully TT will finally get the message.
I have used TomTom's for many years, a Go then a 720T and also have an unused Rider.
The UK map does not show my own home address, so I am unable to accurately set home or navigate to it.
There are work arounds. You can make a custom POI category and in there a custom POI for your Home (select something near by that is acceptable to your device).
You can open that POI with TYRE, click Edit and Google maps and drag the pointer to your correct Home location. You can click Rename and call it anything you want. You can delete the work around description used.
After using it it will be in your Recent destinations and can be used again and again, unless you have a certain number of destinations (I think 47 more) before it rolls over and disappears from that list.
Should that happen you can easily Navigate to .. and use that POI again.
I have used TomTom's for many years, a Go then a 720T and also have an unused Rider.
The UK map does not show my own home address, so I am unable to accurately set home or navigate to it. It is a road that has existed for 60 years, likewise the house number.
At least there's a solution to that part of your problem. Instead of setting "Home" to an address, set it to your current position (you'll need to hit the blue right arrow once for that) while you're parked in your driveway. Just don't forget to protect your TT while you're on vacation, else someone know not only that you're not home, but where "home" is. Most of us pick an arbitrary intersection a short distance away instead.
Although it is easiest to lock in a Home location and then change it again as per your correct caution, I gave a generic recommendation as the setting to Current position doesn't work too well if the OP tries to select a place in the Pennines or elsewhere unknown.
(Some thing like this came up in another list where the POIs given by a Hotel chain did not lead to the actual location.)
Although it is easiest to lock in a Home location and then change it again as per your correct caution, I gave a generic recommendation as the setting to Current position doesn't work too well if the OP tries to select a place in the Pennines or elsewhere unknown.
As long as there's a road shown for the location, his unit won't care if there's an address there or not (it is storing as latitude/longitude anyway) when he saves it as "home" and navigates to it in the future. If I understood his primary issue, it was with a house number, not a missing road.

As for POI being wrong for hotels, etc., there are a myriad of reasons why those go south. I tried to find a Panera bread in the area one day only to find it was the both the home and business address for the local franchise owner, not one of his stores! POI are also especially problematic in large mall areas where the actual mailing address for a store, restaurant, etc., is pretty well meaningless. There are many categories of POI that I take with a grain of salt and assume it will only put me in the ball park, not in their driveway.

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