Go 2535 TM additional maps?

Sep 11, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
Go 730 Go 2535
I just bought a factory refurb TT Go 2535. I am disappointed there is no memory slot for additional maps (different countries). It has lifetime maps but sometimes companies play games offering lifetime maps with no space on the GPS to put it. It's still in the package so I may return it.
There were a couple of different 2535 models produced. Does your serial number start with "SN"?

The rock bottom minimum memory for a 2535 is 4GB. That will hold any of the usual North American or European maps. The North American map is still well below 4GB with room to grow, so your Lifetime Map situation is covered for some time to come. At worst, TomTom offers 'segmented' maps for the older units with less memory.

The most recent US/Can/Mex map was only 2.9GB. If you ever want to swap to a European map, TomTom allows you to remove one and replace with another using the MyTomTom application. If you haven't downloaded that yet (sounds like not), you should do so at https://www.tomtom.com/en_gb/mytomtom/getstarted/
Many thanks. My unit starts with a SN. Would you happen to know the memory size for this unit? I probably won't be replacing any NA maps for European ones but thought it would be a nice feature just in case. I am confused by the marketing strategy when some units have SD slots and some don't. To me, it's a no brainer as my old 730 had one.
Yes, the alternative was the "World" version with 8GB, but I was guessing that wasn't what he had.

4GB will last you for a long time without any worry over segmented maps, and even then, TomTom manages that fairly well. Don't fret over it.
GO 2535 - 4GB TTS*
Thanks for the info. It appears that returning the unit will get me a credit. I see you have a 2535 listed as one of your units. Have you been satisfied with your 2535? You gave me some advice awhile ago about replacing my Go 730. I hope I made the right choice. Many thanks.
The 2535 comes with a magnetic mount. I really like that. In my opinion, better than the integrated mount on some models.
Sorry if this isn't the right forum but my new TT 2535 was advertised as having live traffic updates. When I touched traffic services icon, the message said I needed the traffic cable receiver. There was no traffic service. Only one cable and a USB a cigarette lighter attachment came with this unit. Is there a way I can tell if I have a T/TM model? Many thanks again.
There were 3 different 2535 models sold in Canada. Please advise the first two characters of your serial number so we can be 100% certain as to what you've bought.

Those starting with "SN" are the regular 4GB models, and traffic will have to be done over the RDS cable. I've seen these sold in plain, 'M', and 'TM' versions. The latter includes the RDS cable.
Those starting with "SM" are the 8GB model called the "World Traveler Edition" (WTE) and are "TM" (lifetime traffic via RDS cable + lifetime North America map subscription)
Those starting with "SL" are "Live" 4GB models and use an internal cell modem as one way to get the traffic. I've only seen this sold in an 'M' version.
Sorry for the confusion with my posts. I called TT asking for the traffic cable which was missing from the box. Since my unit was a refurb, they said I have to return it to the retailer. You guys should be on TT's payroll as you know a lot more than their service people.
All I saw in your post #11 was a re-quote of my post. I assume the answer was "SN"?

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