Geocaching with TomTom One 3rd Edition

Apr 1, 2010
Is there an "offroad" software that will work on my TomTom One 3rd edition? Something that will not keep reverting me to a road when I am using walking directions?

I looked here: Le Web Bazar !!! Applications Tomtom !!! but do not see TomTom 1/3. I appreciate any help. I love my TomTom, but sometimes I feel it takes me hours to upgrade or find one little thing. :(
I use a small utility that disables/enables static navigation, GpsPasSion Forums - [HOWTO] Disabling "Static Navigation" on TTGOx30
Static Navigation is used on car navigation, so the GPS will only change the coordinates if you move at more than 5 km/h. In geocaching, as you will probably walk during the final aproximation to the cache it should be disabled or you will look like a crazy guy running back and forth trying to get the correct coordinates.

I also use Offroad Navigator v3 from Le Web Bazar. With this utility you input the coordinates of the cache and it tells you the distance and the direction you should follow. It's very useful.

I've found 23 caches by now with my TomTom One and getting to GZ is easy.
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I use a small utility that disables/enables static navigation, GpsPasSion Forums - [HOWTO] Disabling "Static Navigation" on TTGOx30
Static Navigation is used on car navigation, so the GPS will only change the coordinates if you move at more than 5 km/h. In geocaching, as you will probably walk during the final aproximation to the cache it should be disabled or you will look like a crazy guy running back and forth trying to get the correct coordinates.

I also use Offroad Navigator v3 from Le Web Bazar. With this utility you input the coordinates of the cache and it tells you the distance and the direction you should follow. It's very useful.

I've found 23 caches by now with my TomTom One and getting to GZ is easy.

Would you mind giving me a step by step on how to install these softwares into my TomTom 140s?

You may like trying it with >>>ttMaps<<<. This nice tool works with raster maps (and therefore is a non-navigable solution) but it works on most of the TomTom devices except EASE/START/XL? and should be fine for geocaching.

And than there is >>>Navit<<<, a relatively new but very interesting project. Navit has it's own GUI and works with vector maps (therefore navigable). Testing on TomTom devices has just begun - take a look >>>here<<< and is based on >>>OSM maps<<<.


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