Gadget Chick... Right here...

Jun 1, 2009
Hi everyone -

I jumped in on the regular TomTom forum without properly introducing myself, for which I humbly apologize. :)

I'm the proud new owner of a TomTom One 125, purchased via eBay. I am renting a car for a week this month and when they told me the GPS option would cost $99 I scoffed and thought, "I can BUY a GPS for that!" Having heard great things about TomToms, it was the first thing I checked out. I bought my TomTom used for $75, and updated the maps, with a quarterly map update yesterday.

So I've already gone ahead and spent more than that GPS rental option, but it's worth it to have a mobile GPS. Now that I have one, I'm going to have to figure out how to mount this sucker to my bike!

I also have a Toyota Prius with a built in nav system that hasn't been updated in 4 years. She thinks I'm driving over fields when I go to my house. The cost to update car navigation systems is insane, and I probably won't buy another car with a navigation system because of that alone. (Plus I have my shiny new TomTom!)

I'm a big fan of maps. Pre-navigation system, I would take the map with us on road trips and look for rivers or other markers so I could see just where we were. I like knowing my exact place in the world, as my husband says. When we went to buy the Prius I asked about the nav system. They didn't have one in stock so the salesman was trying to sell me one without a nav system.

My husband interrupted him gently and said, "No offense, but you don't know my wife. She can't live without her maps."

So now I have my maps with me all the time. Yay. :) Getting used to the interface after the Toyota navigation system's a little tough though. Kind of mind-bending. It's a wholly different approach with the TomTom. I think I'm up to the challenge though. Wish me luck!
And a formal welcome to TTF!

Lots of good people here ready to help with any problems you encounter.
Welcome to the forum. You will not be out of place here..... we all like stuff that glows and beeps.
Welcome to TTF!

you will get use to the TomTom software and will think why other devices could not make it easy like this one :p

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