Does Nav 6 do text to speech

Mar 19, 2007
Hi All, I'm brand new to all of this. I'm currently using my Dell X50V with the Nav 6 software. Works pretty good. Before this, I used the Belkin GPS software that came with my Bluetooth Belkin GPS, but the Belkin's map was getting pretty old and no updates. Anyhow, the Nav 6 is nice but was wondering if it supported text to speech so that instead of turn right ahead, I would get turn right on Main street for example. Thanks in advance, Dave.
Welcome to, Airtime!

I do not believe that text to speech is supported for TomTom Nav 6. The typical reason for this seems to be storage space (text to speech apps are usually relatively large), as in the past TomTom only seems to offer text to speech with their hard drive based GPS devices (ie, TomTom GO910). I have a TomTom GO700 with a 2.5GB hard drive, and it isn't offered for it either, not even with the v6.xx software update. I guess they figure that there likely isn't enough room on a SD card for such an app (?)

My experience with previous text to speech apps has been...ah....painful...and amusing. The mispronunciations can be quite entertaining at times.
Side note

One odd thing on my Nav 6 is that I do not have the US voices? I have the UK voices. All it display is that to get it from the DVD but using the HOME software, where does that show up at?

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