Diesel Stations

Mar 8, 2007
I drive a diesel car and have to drive around to find stations that offer diesel fuel in areas away from home. If you are in an urban area this might take some time. I have used gas pricing websites to try and locate and hand enter stations that carry diesel. This works ok but if you are on a long road trip it can take forever.

Does anyone know of an easier way to find stations that offer diesel fuel in different areas of the country?

If other people are interested, I would love to see if we could start a national diesel station POI or at least a growing database. Any interest?
Hi ,
I had started a diesel Poi as I too had this problem this summer in California and was about to be stranded. Look in the Poi secton for the Diesel Poi file.
I you give me your area of interest I can update the POI file for you. A nation wide POI would take forever. But i agree with you it is a Very helpfull POI and more Americans should be useing this type of fuel. I have ha a few Diesel cars here in Italy as Gas is now $6.50 a gallon and diesel gets also more gas millage. I am now useinf propane gas much cheaper and very clean no polution I want to try to give my hand in giving our children cleaner air to breath

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I live in the Chicago area and have created a small list of diesel stations for the area. I use a gas price website, like on MSN, and if the stations list a price for diesel, I put the address in my GPS. If anyone knows of a better way to do this I would appreciate the information. It is not a problem at home, but on long trips it is not possible to do this over the entire route of the drive.

I wondered if any one else had created a diesel poi list that could be added together to eventually create a national file. Perhaps this is too optimistic but I thought I would throw it out there.

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