decide between TT One XL & Garmin nuvi 200w

Dec 16, 2007
I am going to be purchasing my first gps unit in the next 2 months and on the fence between going w/ TT One XL and Garmin Nuvi 200w.
different things i read keep bouncing me back and forth.
These are the things i've read that lead me in both directions
-Itinerary Planning
-Quicker re-routes (so i've read at least)

-Supposedly superior routing abilities. (different tests i've read almost always puts TT the worst comared to competitors...cant confirm how accurate that is)
-Better POI categories

I know this is a TT forum so people will be partial to one side i'm sure but wanted to see peoples opinions if they had any advice for me.
I really WANT to go w/ the TT but the quarky routing makes me hesitent.
BTW I live in SE Wisconsin area if that helps
I have a two year old Garmin i2 and a TT 3 ed. The TT has great user interface but I have found the Garmin map detail and accurancy to be much better than TT. I went with TT because of cost but will probably go back to Garmin with my next buy.
This often seems to be the comment: TomTom has a better interface but Garmin has better maps and routing. (Not to say that Garmin maps are error free.) Both are good units.
thank you for the replies. honestly i'm leaning towards Garmin but little things like the lack of trip planning and i've read this unit (the nuvi 2xx series) seems to be about 30m off for positioning ( i'm not sure if thats accurate or not) keep me thinking.
BUT i guess it comes down to no gps is perfect. and y ou have to know that going in and just enjoy the benefits it does give you
TT 1 XL*S ftw!
Seriously, the TT is awesome in it's rerouting speed. It's also about the easiest piece of electronic gear to learn that I've owned.
hands Down i would get the garmin . Better mapping and more Features.
Have a Garmin Etrex and love that more then my Tomtom one.
I f i could get what i paid for the Tomtom One i would sell it and get a garmin 200w without thinking of spending the extra cash.

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