Danger of operating a GPS while driving.

Sep 19, 2006
TomTom Model(s)
Go 510
On CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) tomorrow - Friday - at 8:30PM EST.

In Ontario it's illegal to do so, but people still do.
That is correct. Handheld devices, including PND's with gps capabilities are forbidden in Ontario.
Radar detectors are illegal in Virginia and at one time they took them if they found you had them.
So is it using one while driving or simply having it in the car?
The big discussion in this area centers on use of cell phones but I do not think I have heard any discussion about gps units.
I don't see what's the big deal. I know distraction is bad for driving....Okay....but people had to get used to looking at a dash with a speedometer and all the little lights and things...how is it any different than learning to look at a dash mounted PND which may not block view if put in the right place??? I locate mine in the bottom left corner of my windshield. I have a jeep wrangler...with what I would consider a small windshield as compared to a economy or mid-sized car. I don't have any issues and have never had a close call because I was looking at or stepping through a change in route. :D
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My old Garmin had a feature (turned on by default, but you could turn it off) which disallowed use of (most of) the controls while the car was in motion. I seem to recall the exception were the zoom buttons.

Doesn't seem unreasonable to me, and I was surprised to find that my newer TomTom didn't have this feature.
Hmmm I can still navigate through my menus while driving. When did the XXL550M come out? Maybe I can turn it off or on....but I don't remember turning it off. :eek:)
It is more than just the glance at the map or direction while doing a scan of the car's displays..it is the focus that is given when inputting even the most modest amount of information. In the time it takes to enter an address the vehicle has traveled a substantial distance and the driver has focused on that operation rather than safe driving. My Sienna does not allow input of any data for Bluetooth, driving directions...and I am sure more...while the vehicle is in motion. I imagine these were implemented not only as safety issues but designed to deal with the attorney who argues that his client crashed into the other vehicles because automakers had failed to limit what he could do while in motion. And it is not just operation of our GPS units that is the source of inattention but cell phone conversations and texting are included. Less we focus only on technology, putting on makeup, shaving, reading the paper, eating, etc. are also included. I recall that in a recent study...not sure where I read this..but that singing while driving was a distraction. My only source of joy left and it too is being questioned....alas what next:sad:?
Scenario #1 - lost, trying to find a place to stop to read a paper map, getting panicy and frustrated

Scenario #2 - SatNav giving me directions and warnings, so I am relaxed and able to concentrate on driving, EVEN if I need to inter-react with the satnav now and again.

I know which is safer for me.
Andy_P, you're absolutely right!
More focused and relaxed driving.

In Holland: Police, Fire and Ambulance vehicles all have a GPS "front and center".

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