Connecting to a Sprint Motorola Q?

Sep 5, 2007
I've done a few searches here and it seems like lots of people have the Motorola Q and some have been successful getting it connected. I've got the Q, but I've got it through Sprint. Anyone tried getting these to work? The GO 510 finds my phone just fine, connects just fine, but it's not in the list of phones when that comes up.
I've done a few searches here and it seems like lots of people have the Motorola Q and some have been successful getting it connected. I've got the Q, but I've got it through Sprint. Anyone tried getting these to work? The GO 510 finds my phone just fine, connects just fine, but it's not in the list of phones when that comes up.

Im also interested in this as I have a Q as well.
Just wanted to throw my hat into the ring to say "me too".

I know the Motorola Q from Sprint is not on the list of approved devices, but has anyone figured out what wireless data manual settings will work?
Not only isn't the Q in the list, Verizon itself is no longer listed as a carrier on the TT. In our case we have to enter all of our network info (username, pswd, access point, etc) manually. Since Sprint is in the list on the TT, it should connect automatically. In terms of phone, just select "other". I'll find Sprint's network info for you guys and maybe that'll help.
Sorry, couldnt find the info. I would start HERE. Join and ask questions as your problems connecting are on your phone end more than your TT's end.

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