Computer generated voice problems?

Feb 15, 2008
I have Home V. and TT app 8.302 and map 830.2284 on a TT720. TT home has the computer voice download grayed out, and says that it doesn't work with my device. Plus, when I look at the voices thru Home, it shows the computer voices as not working with my device and that I should delete them to free up space, but they work just fine. Anyone have any ideas? Same problems?
You could try to undock the unit properly, reset, redock, start Home again and see what it shows.

Or, more viable option, download the latest application and install it (8.351) and see if Home acts any better.

In neither of those work,try deleting Home itself and reinstall.
This happens if you had used one of he "wrong application" workarounds in the past to fix stuttering.

Do the following to fix:
1) First make an explorer backup of everything on your Tomtom to be safe
2) Delete the entire Voices and LoquendoTTS folder on the Tomtom
3) Delete the My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\voice folder on your computer
4) Delete the My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\LoquendoVoice folder on your computer
5) Close and reopen HOME, and try downloading voices again
Didn't work. I don't even have the loquendo TTS directory now on the TT. Still says that it's not supported by my device. But after doing all that, I put the loquendo TTS directory back on and TT home works fine now.
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