Center section of the status bar blank

Feb 2, 2012
San Francisco Bay area, West Coast, USA
TomTom Model(s)
XXL540, 2535M LIVE
Hello all you gurus out there.
2535M LIVE started giving me problems after I installed the update that replaced Google search with TomTom places (what's the story on that by the way?).
The center section of the status bar (distance to the next maneuver) goes blank & stays blank for quite some time, then comes back, winks out again, etc.
On additional note, getting live traffic became much harder lately; spinning wheel for minutes & then traffic bar disappears, I have to restart & try again several times to finally get the traffic.
Replacement of Google Services with TT Local Search is due to TomTom's service contract with Google running out and TT not being prepared to pay the new fee.

I think it's disgusting that they have removed a service we paid for, but presumably there's some small print that says they can.

Live Traffic reception is using 2G and there have been many reports of phone companies reducing this service in order to free up bandwidth for the more lucrative 3G.
Have a look through the forum for previous discussions on this (the search feature will help..)

As for the sttus bar problem, I've no hear of that one from anyone else yet.

Have you tried a reset?

If you don't know how to do that, see the first paragraph of New style TomToms - Emergency Recovery Mode. That article also describes a "do or die" procedure to reinstall software, but you shouldn't try that until we've exhausted any simpler fixes anyone may come up with.
I made a list some time ago on another forum, and kept it bookmarked.
There could be a few things missing but it gives you a fairly good idea

A "Return to Factory Settings" forgets or resets:
Left/Right Handedness
Clock format
Asks for correct time but seems to remember it.
Map selected
Map Colour scheme (cannot select a custom scheme the first time!)
MapShare joining
Status Bar preferences
Volume Preferences
Street Name Preferences
Keyboard Preferences
Planning Preferences
Music Preferences
Battery saving preferences (this is where "shutdown on loss of power" is)
Hide tips setting
User name and password for the LIVE/Plus services
Car symbol
Quick menu preferences.

It also forgets for the current map:
Home Location
Recent Destinations
POI Warnings
Map Share corrections

It seems to remember:
Safety Preferences
User POI's themselves (the files are not deleted. In fact it comes back with them ALL selected to show on map)
Brightness Preferences
Speaker Preferences
Start up and shutdown screens
Any settings for other maps installed but not currently selected (favourites, POI warnings etc.)

(Last edit 14/02/09)
The center section is a new bug introduced with app 12.040. TT is aware of it but it woulnn't hurt to call/email their CS about the problem. As with all bugs, the more complaints they get the more likely they will prioritize a fix.
One thing to know about Factory Reset and losing your Favorites ... If you use the Manage Content option of MyTomTom from the systray, you will find that your Favorites are treated as would be any custom POI, and you can save them from your unit to your PC and reload them to your unit again later... especially helpful after performing a Factory reset. Custom POI are NOT bothered by a Factory reset, BTW.
I experienced the blank center status bar on my via1530.
The system was recently updated to 12.040.
I just had to 'wait-it-out'. Power cycle and drum reset did not help.
I must say that I felt uneasy and at a loss even though I knew it only displayed distance to and a direction arrow for the next transition point.

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