battom offline but not for good.

Dec 30, 2006
Seems my little trek into the snow last weekend did more damage then I realized. I certainly wasn't dressed for hiking in 2 feet of snow. I've been very ill... seeing things, dizzy spells, blurred vision, and am now completely deaf. (I was already deaf in my right ear due to a prior motorcycle accident). ****Complete Deafness should be temporary!!!!

I believe it was Wednesday - I can't remember now...the days are all a long blurr lately. Anyway Wednesday at work I was coughing very badly, more than the usual cold cough and my left eye hurt alot. I took the 15 minute drive to the Doctor's office and pretty much don't remember much after that.

Seems I have a 'severe ear infection' in the left ear. I saw a specialist (though I don't recall my sister-in-law picking me up from the Doc's office and driving me to the specialist). I have some sort of blister on my ear drum, fluid...somewhere, and something with pressure on my brain. Had an MRI and..well all I know is that my wife brought me home ...yesterday. I've been in bed all day, up very little, as the house seems to sway, spin, and at times want to talk to me. (must be the meds).'s actually taken me quite some time to write this and spell check it :)

Regardless of what the TTF Calendar may say, I am NOT is Disney World this and next week. I'm home, with my family. And I will be resting. Offline. Well, as offline as I can bare anyway.

All who have PM'd IM'd or send email questions, I'll get back to you as quickly as I can. I'm NOT ignoring my fellow TT'ers.

...I'll be spot checking best I can, but I hope to be back in full action in a few weeks.

Don't navigate anywhere I wouldn't! :)
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OH and also next time have a winter hat in your car or an emergency kit so this does not happen again!!!
Thanks All!

...can you believe that my boss just fired me?!?!??! on a saturday.... for being sick!!!!

oh and he did it through email too!
Thanks All!

...can you believe that my boss just fired me?!?!??! on a saturday.... for being sick!!!!

oh and he did it through email too!

I was going to suggest some chicken soup for YOU, but for what he did to you s/he (?) deserves a hot bowl right in the kisser...

Wish you a quick recovery.

Sorry to hear about your illness. Rest while you can and DO WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS. Get well soon.
I'm bbbbaaaaaack.....

feeling MUCH better to. still having a difficult time hearing but at least the vision is back 100% and the dizzies are getting fewer and farther between.

Oh... remember how my jerk-off Boss had the balls to fire me thru email on a Saturday? no worries... I got a new job with an old boss today! I'm back doing what I love doing. Good ole REAL IT support. I'm support servers and LANs again. no more wannabe software programs!

(PS... I wasn't going to but hey... they suck, morally and ethically...and well so does their software... DON'T use software from ) and don't bother checking out the POS website either.

OK venting over!!! :D

To all those who wished me well... thank you! I'm definately on the road to recovery!

Though I still cannot hear too well from my left ear, it is getting much better. I just returned from a followup with the doc. MRI 'normal'

He thinks I had a very severe ear and inner ear infection that was swollen so badly that it was creating pressure on the brain and causing all my symptoms. The meds have subsided the swelling and my infection looks much better now. He thinks it should clear in a few days, and as long as I take care there should be no scaring on my eardrum.

I'm basically good to go! Just finish off the prescription and live life. If there are any problems or symptoms return, call right away. But he doesn't think that will be the case.


Already being deaf in one ear makes you realize how careful you have to be with the other one. Things we take for granted until we don't have them anymore.... I should get out of this one OK!
Glad to hear it your up and around and employed!

I for one know about vertigo. I get these attacks once in awhile where I have to lie down or be still. Has to do with the liquid in my ears. But it's now fun.


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