Aug 31, 2006
Imperial beach, california
Great to find the list of Bank of America branches as poi's as there are no bank poi's included with Tomtom.
Looking at the other poi's on the site, I think most of them can be already found on tomtom if you input the first few letters of the name, but I may be wrong though as I have not checked them all.
Any chance of some ATM poi's ???
Great site and keep up the good work.
You are correct, a lot of the poi's are on the tom tom, but are in a generic category. Like ATM's for example. A default ATM icon will show up on your screen as you near one, but you are left guessing as to which bank it is. We created individual icons identifying the poi's as well as broke down the category's.

It looks so much nicer seeing BK, McD's, Taco Bell icons on your screen instead of Resteraunt, Resteraunt, Resteraunt...right? :)

Plus we can do poi's for ANY business. Tom tom limits poi's to only generic categories.
I have a tomtom 300, Im not sure about the new 910's but my Tomtom has no ATM category, and until your site came along, no bank category, it was such a pain hunting around for banks and ATMs when money was low, especially as I do a lot of travelling.
I had a TT300 for a week also before I made the move to the 510 because I wanted the handsfree option. I didnt realize that it didnt have a banks and ATM cat. Well if you bank on more than one location, I think Jason can get WaMus location also. Just do a request, he is fast at doing it hehe.
Just wondering if there is anyway to edit the ovid files ?? the reason I ask is because I downloaded the Bank of America file yesterday, but there are a few banks in my local area that do not show up on the list that I would like to add.

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