Anyone Notice This?

Sep 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom Go 620
Does anyone notice that the last map update (V900) is the first time where we get mapshare update right after the map update? Usually it take days or weeks until mapshare works again, but this time, it works right away(17 mapshares on the second day after update)
TomTom did a good job on improving their services, I just hope they keep doing that. (still waiting for a new unit to be release from TomTom:D)
Yes, I see posters in the UK forums reporting the same stuff.[/QUOTE

The last one "after installed" seems never go away ...untill new one shows up ..!

Anybody notice that ..?

I have clear the cache still comes back ..? no mater how maytime I install it .

1 more thing ... I notice Map V900 shows clear minute now like 45:15 mins " 45 mins and 15 seconds" before 00:45mins
Does anyone notice that the last map update (V900) is the first time where we get mapshare update right after the map update? Usually it take days or weeks until mapshare works again, but this time, it works right away(17 mapshares on the second day after update)
TomTom did a good job on improving their services, I just hope they keep doing that. (still waiting for a new unit to be release from TomTom:D)

I didn't get my first until two days after loading 900 WC&E 4062.
Yes, the repeating thing is a bug.

Another bug map V900 ..?

I notice , after install new map V900 via won't say the destinaion on left or right anymore ...??

Does any body has this issue ..??

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