Alternate City Names ???

Aug 6, 2009
Florida, USA
TomTom Model(s)
I just bought a Tomtom ONE 125 as my first entry into the world of GPS. I am one of those lucky ones whose house cannot be found by GPS (or any other maping service for that matter (Google, Mapquest, etc.). I have read tons of posts and understand it, sort of.

My real issue is Alternate City Names. I had never heard of these until I got the GPS. It says I live in the "City of Golf, Florida". I have lived here since 1985 and this is the first time I have heard of this. The name that the whole world uses is, Boynton Beach, Florida. Upon a lot of searching I have discovered thet the GPS maps use these alternate names all over the place instead of the common names when locating items on the map.

I did find a small "City of Golf" several miles south of me. If I were trying to find my way home I might never get here.

I know I have a pretty basic unit but is there any way to turn these Alternate Names off and display the common names for cities?

Thanks in advance...

Unfortunately, what you are experiencing in a weakness in the map data on your unit. One can only hope that a future map update will reflect the more common name for locations.

You can try to navigate to zip codes and see if that gets you where you want.
You can try to navigate to zip codes and see if that gets you where you want.

Navigation to a location works fine using the common names.. I believe the problem is in the application displaying the maps. If I enter a POI (gas station about 3/4 miles from my house) the display says it is in the "City of Golf", however, navigation to the POI works just fine. It I enter the address using the common name, "Boynton Beach", it brings up the POI just fine except the display says "City of Golf".

I fear this is something I am going to have to get used to with Tomtom. (I have no experience with other brands.)
When in a strange area I have to learn to trust the Tomtom to get me there.

Don't trust it too much. I was in Ocean Shores, WA recently and navigated to a restaurant. Unfortunately, the POI got recorded in the map as SE rather than NW. It was on the right street and at the right number.

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