Address improvement

May 1, 2009
Bayside, WI
TomTom Model(s)
XXL 550 TM
Here in Wisconsin, many towns use a peculiar numbering system for addresses. A typical one would be W130S6930 Hwy 60. With every map update, I would eagerly see if my TomTom would now allow entering these addresses, only to find they didn't. I just did the spring update (XXL 550TM), and son of a gun, I can now use this numbering system. I'm not sure if I checked for this capability after the previous update, so this might have been added one update prior, but either way, my unit is now much more useful to me. Life is good.
I was pretty pleased that my development is now shown on the newest maps.

This release seems to have done tons for the map quality.

I also think that they shifted the map perspective just a bit. I seem to be able to "see" further down the road on the unit.
I also think that they shifted the map perspective just a bit. I seem to be able to "see" further down the road on the unit.
That would be a function of firmware or the zoom setting vs. something new with the map.

To the OP -- wow. Talk about an odd numbering scheme! I'm glad they were able to manage it for you. Just wondering what it all means.

W130S6930 Hwy 60

It appears there's a "west" and "south" location implied, but I'm not clear why they don't just use one or the other. How does the numbering actually work?
It is a system used by many towns and villages in Wisconsin. It consists of the north-south street number combined with the east west number. It is frequently used in rural areas. Prior to this update, I would have to work off of intersections to navigate via gps to these addresses. This is a big improvement.

I sure am glad I don't have to write that long number every time I write my address.
No wonder they can't find your senators. Sounds like they're using a grid coordinate system that would just about require a GPS to locate anything! Interesting. Thanks for the explanation.

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