Adding a (legal) U-Turn

Dec 28, 2011
Orange County, CA
TomTom Model(s)
My TomTom fails to suggest a U-turn. Please help. It is current on all map updates.

The "map correction" dialog shows the junction. TomTom knows there is a break in the road. I am heading South (using the screenshot with the arrows). The u-turn would put me beside the park.

The shortest route to display my problem is:
Tustin, CA
Street1: Irvine Blvd
Street2: Tustin Ranch Road
2300 Kinsman Circle, Tustin, CA

Thanks again
Oh boy, is this a known and irritating issue with all models and all maps. Supermod mvl could write a book with all the information he's given directly to TomTom documenting the problem.

All we can hope is that a future application for all models will resolve the problem.

In the meantime, you know about this glitch and remember that local knowledge trumps any gps. In other words, take that turn when you can and the unit will recalculate the remaining route within seconds.
From what I can gather, the problem is that the TT knows you CAN make those U-turns, but always adds a five-minute time penalty for making one. Therefore it often finds what it thinks is a quicker way.

This is something that upsets a lot of US owners, because your road layout means you seem to NEED to make a lot of U-Turns.

But it rarely bothers us Europeans because we never usually have to make these U-turns in normal driving.

..... I suppose I daren't suggest you actually try walking across the road? :D
While on holiday in Florida once, I went to get some Chinese food from a place right next to our motel. I thought the security man was going to have me shot for acting so suspiciously as to arrive on foot rather than driving there.
One thing we have a LOT of here are medians on ordinary surface roads. These prevent left turns into parking lots and sometimes even prevent left turns to other streets. On the whole, unless marked otherwise, a u-turn is legal at a controlled intersection, allowing a driver to double back to a parking lot entrance or passed street. So yes, we find that a useful option. Unfortunately, all the begging, ragging and arguing with TomTom hasn't produced any result.

At a minimum, all we are asking for is to make this a configurable option... either to turn off the 5 minute penalty or reduce it to something reasonable like 1 minute to account for the time it usually takes a light to cycle and allow for the turn.
As a workaround, in mapshare, on the road prior to the Uturn, make it 2-way. That fools the Tomtom into removing the 5-minute Uturn penalty, and that specific u-turn will be used in routing.

I agree, this is one of the biggest most complained about issue in the USA. My guess is that there are no medians in the Netherlands so Tomtom has no idea how bad this issue is.
Urgh -- wouldn't want to MapShare that change! If done on both sides as is often necessary, that can wind up causing the unit to believe there are two adjacent but separate two-way streets, can't it?
Thank you all for your speedy and helpful replies. This forum is great for venting and spreading knowledge. However, now I understand the problem (which quite frankly would have made me consider the competition more closely) I want to do all I can to make TomTom Development take note of our needs in the US.

Any ideas on the best way to catch their attention? I am happy to send in test routes, photos etc so that they understand the U-turn is an accepted driving maneuver this side of the pond.

Thanks again for your help

Also complain to customer service at 866-486-6866. The more complaints they get about this restriction, the more likely they'll finally get Development to deal with it. (of course, I believe in the Easter Bunny too .........:) )
You see how much good that's done for the Brits Facebook group regarding the diminished horizon, eh?
It certainly got their attention! (far better than we all managed to do by our 'other channels')

And they might have failed to sort it, but they did try....
I tried TomTom support. Their system is frustrating. The emails they send back to me don't acknowledge my query. All they say is that it was a pleasure to have served me and that if I don't respond in turn within 72hours they will consider my question answered. Even direct questions such as "is Development considering enabling u-turns as an option?", "do they plan to match the TomTom iPhone app that does offer u-turns?" etc are never referenced. I am not convinced that actual people read my email. The responses are automated.

It is as if they are not interested in being successful in urban US.

After many years, Tomtom has finally fixed the U-turn bug on newer models.

App 12.035 finally has proper U-turn behavior. This would only be available to the newer devices that run MyTomtom.
And with today's 9.465 release, the bug has been fixed for all PND models. Took them long enough...

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