A little Off Topic Story

Aug 30, 2006
Downey, California
TomTom Model(s)
GO 910, ONE V2, GO 920 GO 730 & iPad TT App
Well this is a story I wanted to share with you guys.
Thrusday (2/15/07), my boss came in with a garmin a garmin nuvi 660. He bought it for our sales reps when they visit hosipitals near by they would know where to go. I asked him how much he paid for it and he wasn't too happy about it but the sales person told him it was the best GPS on the market right now.

I my jaw dropped and I told him he should return it and purchase one of the TomTom models. All the models have a great price and is user friendly. Especially for our sales reps who aren't too techincal. Well it turns out they need one asap because on of our sales reps was leaving to Arizona the next day. So I did the next best thing.

I let her borrow my GO 910 for her trip. I miss my TomTom but I'm glad it's being put in good use right now. I should her a few features it has and the features I added to it and she like it.
She will be coming back on wednesday, so I'll be without my GPS until then.
I think I might take this opportunity to use an excuse to buy a ONE. :D
P man?!?!?!?!?

That's like lending out your wife or girlfriend!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

But seeing how you're in a giving mood... can I borrow your... <hehe>
LOL, I know know Battom.
Well the sales rep is a women, so if I was letting her borrow my wife/girlfriend, then ..... hmmmm....

The Boss will pick up a TomTom next week. I'm not sure what model though
Pedro, did you get a ONE? With those prices dropping, seems like a great time and a great addition to your 910. :)
LOL, I know know Battom.
Well the sales rep is a women, so if I was letting her borrow my wife/girlfriend, then ..... hmmmm....

The Boss will pick up a TomTom next week. I'm not sure what model though

ha ha ha ha ha

but which would you be more upset about if they kept it ?
They won't keep my precious. I must have the precious!

YES I bought a ONE!!!!!!!
I got it from Toys R US
DOH. I should of went to Office Depot.
Yeah I can't wait to get my 910 back.
I would like to have them side to side and do a little comparison
nice story! Hopefully TomTom reaps some benefit from your sharing.

Yes please. Do a comparison between the new maps (North_America vs. USA_and_Canada). I know the POIs are different and I kinda wanna know.
Im going to upgrade a new SD card for North America.
I will still have my original SD card for comparision :)

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