7000 Truck map is 10 years old!

Jun 1, 2012
London UK
TomTom Model(s)
Go 7000 truck
Hi all,
I have just discovered this forum - in desperation!
The map and speed camera locations in my Go 7000 Truck are completely out of date. I bought it about a year ago but it does not know about roads that heve been open for well over 5 years.
I have tried to update several times. HOME never says that the map has been updated, nor does it say that the update has failed.
The 7000 model seem to be nearly non existent on the Tom Tom site.
And they do not seem to offer amy meaningful support.
Can anyone suggest what I should do?
(The map is 'Europe Truck' V855.2926. Found out the version via info on this forum. The instructions on the Tom Tom site is wrong for this model)
Can't tell you if the roads you seek are in the current map, but you may find this site to be of interest. Pretend you're making a map change, and it will give you a look at a fairly recent rendition of the map as a result. You can pan around and see what you can see.


Be aware that we're up to 890 as of this week, so your current map is now 1-1/2 years out of date.

I am unfamiliar with the terms and conditions of the map update/purchase program for the 7000 (Pro) series units. If Home isn't giving you any satisfaction, the process should certainly be similar enough to that for consumer units that we can sort it. I take it that you've tried to purchase an update through Home?
Hi Canderson,
Thanks for the link. Under pressure for the next few days so I'll explore it when I get back.
No, I have not purchaced an update. I am reluctant to pay over £100 for a year of updates when attempting to update, after purchase, did not work and I seem to be dealing with a company which will not talk to its customers.
Even contacting the company which sold the item (via the web) got a 'tough luck' sort of answer.
Should it be possible to get a single update, at a reasonable price, to prove that the process works?
Thanks again,
If you were trying to update the maps at no cost, which seems to be the case, then it is understandable that the process would not work. The GO 7000 Truck is not a new model - it was released in the Fall of 2009 and has had several successors, and this may not have been a new (unused) device. I do not know if they offer the "Latest Map Guarantee" for this model, but if they do, the opportunity probably expires 30 days after the device is put in use .. by the original owner/user.

We out in the 'consumer' side don't have much visibility to how the entire Work/Truck/Pro series program is run. TomTom depends upon VARs and dealers in that product line to provide first line support to you. Buying one of these devices over the web isn't a good plan. Working directly with the VARs that sell these units, can support them with the LINK300 device and office applications is the only real way to go if you can do it.

I have NO idea what they're getting for map subscriptions for these units, but it sounds like you've found the price somewhere.

As I say, you'll at least see the road situation (if not the 'truck' extras like height restrictions, etc.) by using the link I provided.

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