1st was unable to update device, 2nd now cannot format

Aug 21, 2009
TomTom Model(s)

I am trying to update my moms tom tom ONE XL and i even called tom tom customer service to get a solution but they closed now and I need help.

Ok 1st I tried to update the software using tom tom home, which would keep giving me a error message with 2.7 software , the tech agent gave me a 2.5 version file download and a 2.6

from there I updated to the 2.7 and the tom tom home software started working normally
then i tried to update the device. It would give me an error message and would not finish the update!

So I went to the website tried the 15 second reset, the re-initilizastion proccess and now I am stuck. After copying the maps and the backup to my PC, Windows will not let me format the drive on the Tom Tom,

I tried Fat with 16kb and fat with 32kb

and Fat32 which just sits there and hangs forever, and not sure if it was working but canceled out of that.

Now Windows says it cannot format the drive and I am stuck here!
I had gotten this error message before:

ERROR: HomeBase/IO: Error writing file: F:\tthome.bif
@ .\portable\cfile.cpp(1947)

in .\portable\cfile.cpp:1947
0. chrome://tthome/content/logic/login.js:306
} catch (e) { error(e); }
1. chrome://tthome/content/logic/login.js:298
2. chrome://tthome/content/logic/login.js:112
me._setTo(username, password);
3. function validateNext chrome://tthome/content/logic/login.js:335
4. chrome://tthome/content/logic/loginDeviceRel.js:89
5. chrome://tthome/content/logic/comm.js:442
6. chrome://tthome/content/logic/comm.js:430
7. chrome://tthome/content/logic/comm.js:277
this.request.onload = function() { me._done(true); }

Time: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 02:33:02 GMT

Update: Ok was able to format somehow as fat with 16 kilobits using quick format and that allowed tom tom home to see the device, but still will not write, so I am trying then to format as fat32 (normal not quick) but that seems to be taking forever, if its normal for it to take 5+ hours then I will let it sit

I have the same issues. I have been working on my tomtom one for 2 weeks and have not been able to get it to work since home was updated to 2.7. Nothing seems to work. And formating has taken over 9 hours to complete and then fails.

Anyone have anything new to post on this issue?
When you say 'nothing works', is that through Home? Because updating Home should not have any effect on the functionality of the unit.

That being said, Is the unit detected when you connect to the computer? If so, can you male an Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit's contents, ensuring hidden files/folders are showing.

Once done, use Explorer to select My Computer, then right click on the drive shown for the unit, and in the first tab, check for errors.

Can you uninstall Home and reinstall? If it is still causing problems, uninstall Home again and go to this link. On the right side at the bottom of the page are links to older versions of Home. Select 2.64. and install it. See if that helps.
If formatting fails, then you have a hardware fault. Try formatting with another computer and USB cable to rule out everything except the Tomtom.

If it still won't format, then try formatting a blank SD card (2gb or less) as fat32 in the Tomtom, and see if Tomtom home will install to the SD.
After many, many months of having a failed TomTom One XL sitting around, I want to say it was dead for over a year...
Same Problem, dreaded Red X and one format failure after the next, did not matter what I did.
Yes, the trouble started after an update, or perhaps it was during.
Yes I tried to reset it, format it, backup / restore, you name it.
Yes I saw that exact error and several others too.
Yes my computer could "SEE" the drive but neither Windows nor Linux would interact nor truly recognize it, yes I tried playing with it through Linux.
Yes I spent many hours of painstaking research and trying various things, step by step, most things I tried several times over.
Called support, emailed support, searched high and low all over the Web, anything and everything that has been listed, I either experienced or tried or both, I even tried some odd ball low level format devices for USB thumb drives, too.
No love.

Refused to throw it in the garbage, that's probably the only thing I did not do although I considered it more than once, since I needed a GPS I had purchased another brand of unit and just today...

Why this did not come to me earlier, I do not know.

As a last resort ONLY!!!
If you try this you are on your own, I can't guarantee a thing.

Did I mention I had nothing left to lose at this point?

But anyhow...
I pulled off the back cover, 4 little black torx screws hold this on, I found a tiny flat head screw driver did the trick.
After the screws were removed, a little coercion was required to actually get the cover off, lift this back CAREFULLY as there exist cables!
There exist two little cables between the two sides, one of which connects to the battery, the other I'm not sure but apparently the internal speaker.
Technically speaking I'm pretty sure only the battery cable needs to be unplugged but since I was in no mood to discern the two I carefully unplugged both of these cables attached to little white connectors, they simply unplug when pulled carefully, they are tiny.
Left them unplugged for more than a few minutes, then re-hooked them.

Indeed, my Windows XP was then able to format the device without further issue.
And TomTom Home updated the device afterwards, this took several back-and-forths
but my TomTom OneXL is now working again.

Then I re-installed the back cover.

Thought I'd share this.
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