XXL540 first update.

Jan 13, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
Just purchased a new XXL540. I connected to the computer and online to activate. Everything went fine except my TomTom screen wouldn't stop rolling. Contacted customer service and went through the process deleting old files, re-booting, checking for errors on disk. Finally found that the problem is in the up date. I was told to wait a few weeks for a fix in the program. The company was kind enough to exchange the XXL They said to keep tabs on this forum to find out when the update was available.
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Welcome to TTF.

Known issue with a batch of 540's that came with a faulty application.

Even if things were perfect, the first thing to do is make an Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit's contents. If not sure how, see here:

Now for the 'fun' part............;)

An application not really meant for your unit but seems to work and resolves the scrolling problems is here

After your Explorer backup, delete all the loose files in the root of the unit, NO folders or their contents.

Then, use WinRar to extract the contents of the .cab file in the link to the unit, overwriting as necessary.
Same Problem

I'm a newbie to TTF having the same problem with my new XXL 540. Didn't make a backup of the out of the box installs. If I end up returning the TT that will be the first thing I do with the next. After the first update with Home, screen just rolls. Tried your patch of installing TT App v9.058 and that fixed the rolling problem but now I get an error message "You cannot use this map on this device: USA_Canada_and_Mexico_P-261". I've tried deleting the map from explorer and updating with home, got the same result. I've tried the clear flash tool. I've run check disk. I even tried formatting the TT, uninstalling Tom Tom Home, cleaning up my registry and Tom Tom folders to completely erase everything from my hard drive. Downloaded and reinstalled Tom Tom Home from the website, plugged in the device and started updating. Did the same thing again but this time manually installed App v9.058. I've tried everything I've read in this forum and no matter what I try, I consistently get the same problem everytime. TT App v8.055 or v9.053 - the screen rolls. TT App v9.058 - cannot use map.

Interesting side note. Operate my XXL works fine in Home for all TT Apps. The map shows up correctly for my current location even when the device says it cannot use this map.

Am I the only one having this problem?
now I get an error message "You cannot use this map on this device: USA_Canada_and_Mexico_P-261".

Open Tomtom HOME, and go to Manage my XXL. Remove the map from the device and from the computer. Then close Tomtom HOME, rename mydocuments\tomtom\home\download to mydocuments\tomtom\home\downloadOLD.

Then try redownloading/reinstalling the map.
Open Tomtom HOME, and go to Manage my XXL. Remove the map from the device and from the computer. Then close Tomtom HOME, rename mydocuments\tomtom\home\download to mydocuments\tomtom\home\downloadOLD.

Then try redownloading/reinstalling the map.

I've had the same issue. I did exactly as you said. Nothing different. Is there something I might have overlooked?

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