XL-340 Problem


Dec 10, 2009
I just got the XL-340 as a gift.. After installing TomTom Home and going thru the update process, I backed up the unit and then disconnect it when the system told me to.. While going thru the update with latest map etc. it gave errors on some files but seemed to have recovered them..
But after disconnecting the unit, it is frozen.. and TomTom Home on my PC does not recognize it.. Soft reset has not the solved the problem since it displays partial system info and then freezes.. and if plugged in the unit to PC and turn it on, it automatically asks for whether I want to install TomTom Home.. Seems to be in a loop.. Needless to say touch menus are no longer working.. I have uninstalled TomTom Home and reinstalled it etc. but obviously the problem is with the unit..

I can see the files and folders on the unit thru the PC.. Is there any particular file should I run to reactivate ?? Thanks.. Appreciate any input.

p.s. The Unit was bought in US and given to us as a gift and I am presently in Canada..
Make an Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit's contents. Ensure hidden files/folders are showing.

Once done, use Explorer to make sure the USA_CAN map folder did indeed get included in the backup.

Then, use Explorer to delete the file mapsettings.cfg from the map folder on the unit. Restart the unit. Does it boot properly now?
Should also have mentioned that I did delete the mapsettings.cfg file from the unit.. Did not solve the problem..

My original backup was thru TomTom Home.. and incidentally when I can sign on to TomTom Home.. and it shows me the backup I have on my computer.. The problem is when the unit is connected, it is just not recognized and as I said, unit itself is still frozen..
Well, make the Explorer backup as I said. Then reformat the unit, don't use quickformat.

Copy back just the map folder and connect to Home. Should offer to download the application. Accept it and let it install. Disconnect the unit properly from the computer (use Home's device disconnect icon in the bottom right of the screen).

Restart the unit. Is it working now? If so, make another Explorer backup.
Well for some reason this time around when I connected the device, it recognized it and ask to download the application.. It seems to be working now so I will have to figure this out and test it out on the road.. I am sure I will be back here for browsing thru the messages.. Just wondering if there is a XL-340 specific thread.. Guess I will have to explore a bit..

Thanks for your help..

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