
Dec 29, 2009
Well, it seems like many others i got an XL-30 for christmas. I was very pleased with it until I got the dreaded "You cannot use this map on this device: United_Kingdom_And_Republic_of_Ireland" message.
I didnt make a backup when i first got the device. Soft resets dont work. Tried removing the map and redownloading it and this hasnt worked either. In fact I dont even think i have the proper map anymore.

When i tried to get the map back, TomTom Hell keeps asking me for a product code...which i dont have in my map.
I would appreciate any help as i'm well and truly fed up with this ridiculous problem.Why would such an expensive gadget be so buggy when using a service offered?
Welcome to the forum, download and run the Clear Flash software three times, you can get it from Here then see if the device can see the new map, we have seen quite a large increase in posts about map activation errors recently so you are not the only one in this position.
If the clear flash doesn't get it working give TomTom a ring 0845 161 0009 - Mike
Some have also been successful re-attempting the Latest Map Guarantee. The map servers were overloaded with all the Christmas customers and didn't always give activated maps a few days ago. I don't know if they are less overloaded now.

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