XL 2 IQ Routes Report Button (2010)

May 1, 2012
South Africa
TomTom Model(s)
xl 2 iq routes sn 1380F02247
I've had my XL 2 for more than two years now,tried many times,but still can't manage to create "Report button" for 'marking' a place while driving on the screen.Can anyone please help ? :rolleyes:
I'm guessing you want to mark a position as a Favourite, rather then actually "report" anything?

You can create a Favourite on all TomTom models, but only on some of them do you have the "Quick Menu" feature, where you can add your own buttons on screen.

Also, I'm afraid the XL2 has the 'simplified' menu structure, and a lot of the more subtle features are hidden or missing, which makes what you want to do even more awkward.

I don't have one of those simplified menu models in front of me, so I'm going from the on-line manual and the way to create a favourite for your current position is:
from the Main Menu, tap options / Home and Favourites / Add Favourite.

You can then select the location from several options, and on all my models you can pick "My location". But that is not listed in the manual for the XL2, so unless the manual is wrong, you may have to do it another way.

Once you are in the "Add Favourite" menu, select "Point on map" and then use the "Find" button and select "My Location".

Very fiddly, but that's the limitations of these simplified models. There may be a quicker way, but it's not obvious from the crappy manual.

THere *is* a way to add some ofthe "missing" menu items to these models, but I don't think it will help in theis particular case.
If you want to try it, there are many topics about "adding custom menus" on this and other forums such as PocketGPSWorld. Try these for starters

How to get more menu options on models with 'Easymenu'

Patch to enable use of .itn files?

It requires fiddling around with a text file with all the menu items listed, but it means loosing some of the menu items you *do* have.
XL2 IQ Routes Report button

Thanks Andy,I do "mark" a place the way you described it, but it's a long way round and can't really be done while driving. I suppose the manual is crappy because it tells it can be done. Thanks anyway for your time .Regards Manie

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